All University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust articles – Page 8
HSJ Local
Derby Hospitals missing five Monitor targets
PERFORMANCE: Derby Hospitals Foundation Trust is missing five Monitor targets including referral to treatment times for admitted patients, and accident and emergency waiting times
HSJ Local
Derby Hospitals takes £0.7m CQUIN hit
FINANCE: NHS Derbyshire County has deducted commissioning for quality and innovation income (CQUIN) from Derby Hospitals Foundation Trust worth £699,000.
HSJ Local
NHS Derby City's final TCS plans laid out
NHS Derby City’s proposals for fulfilling the transforming community services agenda have been set out.
Trusts agree local deals for royal wedding holiday
At least five trusts have reached agreement with local unions not to pay staff extra for working on the royal wedding Bank Holiday.
Midlands issues may be localised, but they have wide implications
It has been less than a month since the launch of HSJ Local but it has already attracted attention.
HSJ Local
Derby Hospitals selling £600 'doors' for crime scenes
COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY: Derby Hospitals Foundation Trust has designed a decontamination “door” for hospital wards, crime scenes and fire-ravaged buildings costing nearly £600 a piece.
HSJ Local
Admissions to Derby Hospitals halved following GP referral drive
PERFORMANCE: Admissions to Derby Hospitals Foundation Trust following GP referrals have reduced by 50 per cent in a week.
HSJ Local
NHS Derbyshire County's predicted overspend increases by £2.7m in a month
FINANCE: NHS Derbyshire County has increased its predicted overspend by £2.7m in a month due to high activity levels among trusts.
HSJ Local
Derby Hospitals failing stroke target
PERFORMANCE: Derby Hospitals Foundation Trust is consistently failing to meet the target for stroke patients spending 90 per cent of their time on a dedicated stroke ward.
HSJ Local
NHS Derby City plans 8 per cent reduction to provider contracts
FINANCE: Financial modelling by NHS Derby City has identified a need to reduce 2011-12 contract values by 8 per cent on average across all providers, in order to transfer financial sustainability to GP commissioners from 2012-13.
FTs favour male nurse directors
Foundation trusts are more likely to give senior nursing posts to men than acute trusts without foundation status, an investigation by HSJ’s sister title Nursing Times has found.