All Voluntary sector/third sector articles – Page 29

  • News

    MPs fear abolition of PPI forums will lead to loss of volunteers


    The government's proposal to dismantle patient and public involvement forums and set up local involvement networks instead has been heavily criticised by the Commons health select committee.

  • News

    Children need risk, says HSE chief executive


    The deputy chief executive of the Health and Safety Executive has highlighted the importance of risk and adventure in children's lives and recognising the need to manage it.Jonathan Rees told this year's Barnardo's annual conference, Childhood Matters, that it was important to strike a balance between myth and fact in ...

  • News

    Flexible working guidance for carers and employers


    The charities Working Families and Help the Hospices are to publish guidance on flexible working.The publications, one aimed at employers and one at carers for the terminally ill will be available from 5 April, to tie in with the new Work and Families Act, which comes into force next month.Read ...

  • News

    DoH publishes partnerships guidance


    The Department of Health has published guidance on the role of third sector providers in health and social care.The guidance includes case studies on how effective commissioning of the third sector can lead to a more innovative and dynamic service.Read the guidance here

  • News

    SANE launches new e-mail support service


    Mental health charity SANE has announced the launch of a new e-mail support service funded by The Vodafone UK Foundation.SANEmail aims to provide support and information to people affected by mental health problems and will run alongside SANEline, SANE's national out-of-hours, mental health

  • News

    After Eden, things look rosy in the social enterprise garden


    With the possible exception of the Houses of Parliament, there are few places you could expect to encounter four government ministers and a member of the shadow cabinet in the space of less than six hours.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: can non-NHS bodies access the NHS pension scheme?


    Our legal experts guide you through the pension implications for companies taking on NHS services

  • News

    Public unaware of abuse to the elderly


    Half a million older people are believed to be neglected or abused - sexually, physically, emotionally or financially - at any one time in the UK, according to a new survey for Help the Aged.The survey shows that more than a third of people have not heard of elder abuse ...

  • News

    Voluntary organisations to share £23.9m pot


    Around 700 voluntary and community sector organisations will share a £23.9m pot of government grants, according to care services minister Ivan Lewis.The Department of Health's section 64 scheme will give an average of £44,000 to fund 132 new grants and 256 continuing grants. The Opportunities for Volunteering scheme will have ...

  • News

    'Third sector' inquiry launched


    The Commons public administration committee has launched an inquiry into the growing trend towards government buying or commissioning services from the third sector - charity or voluntary organisations and non-government organisations.The committee's inquiry aims to explore the costs and benefits of the policy, and to judge the effectiveness of the ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    What social enterprise can do for healthcare


    A social enterprise is often defined as a business that trades with a social or environmental purpose. It is not driven by profit, and reinvests surpluses back into the organisation or community.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sounding off


    With the incidence of mental illness among deaf people high and specialised services almost non-existent, getting help can be difficult. Emma Dent explores the gaps in care

  • News

    Minister: end third sector 'mutual loathing'


    Commissioners have been urged not to hold third sector health services at 'arm's length'.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    International development: 'Go and tell people what it's like here'


    In the midst of grinding poverty, Malawi's tiny nursing workforce is fighting to meet the country's healthcare needs. Emma Dent reports

  • News

    Charity should be 'hard-wired' to reform


    Charities and not-for-profit healthcare organisations need to be 'hard-wired' to the government's 'ongoing reform programmes', a government taskforce has said.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    How to commission high quality, low cost health care


    The 152 new primary care trusts are tasked with becoming strategic commissioning bodies. This means they must procure a range of provision for local people, which meets their health needs and delivers health improvements, by securing the highest value for their limited money. Stating the task is easy. Delivering it ...

  • Comment

    Cliff Prior profile: 'The only thing you can't predict is where it will go'


    In his new job heading a group of not-for-profit organisations, former Rethink chief executive Cliff Prior will have a key role in reshaping community services. But first he has to explain what it is all about

  • News

    Boost for social firms


    Twenty-four local social enterprise schemes have been given £1.4m of national funding to deliver community health and social care services.

  • News

    Mental Health Bill campaigners rue 'missed opportunity'


    Campaigners have hailed the passing of the Mental Health Bill as a 'missed opportunity'.

  • News

    Hospices face losing special fee arrangements


    Hospices have complained they will be disadvantaged by the Healthcare Commission's decision to remove their special status and make them pay the full cost of regulation fees.