Wendy Korthuis-Smith
Wendy Korthuis-Smith, Ed.D., M.S., is executive director at Virginia Mason Institute.
- HSJ Partners
Fostering healing environments
Wendy Korthuis-Smith discusses the crucial role of psychological safety in healthcare
- HSJ Partners
Bringing NHS Impact to life: What executives can focus on now
With the support of Virginia Mason Institute, NHS Impact is taking root across the nation’s trusts and practices, with many executives both eager to do their part and unsure of where to start
- HSJ Partners
Healthcare transformation can’t wait: 3 lessons from the Virginia Mason Institute NHS partnership evaluation
The covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated long-standing challenges with patient care and staff engagement. As leaders, we must look honestly and humbly at the gap between our aspirations and our reality, and we must sign up for the hard work of closing it.