All West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals Trust articles – Page 3
Expert Briefing
The Download: The story of the covid-19 data store
The fortnightly newsletter that unpacks system leaders’ priorities for digital technology and the impact they are having on delivering health services. This week by senior correspondent Nick Carding.
Three acutes drop below 50pc performance on A&E target
Three acute trusts in London and the South East saw the performance against the main four-hour emergency target drop below 50 per cent in January, according to the latest data from NHS England.
Expert Briefing
The Download: How virtual care can help hospitals free up beds
The fortnightly newsletter that unpacks system leaders’ priorities for digital technology and the impact they are having on delivering health services. This week by senior correspondent Nick Carding.
Trusts told to treat more covid-19 patients at home
Hospitals should ramp up their treatment of covid-19 patients at home to free up more beds during the peak of the pandemic, under plans announced by NHS England/Improvement.
Third of region’s ICUs exceed ‘maximum safe capacity’
More than a third of critical care units in the East of England are either at or have exceeded their maximum surge capacity, information leaked to HSJ reveals, and all but one are above their normal capacity.
Revealed: the nine hospital trusts where covid patients fill at least half the beds
Nine English NHS trusts now have at least half their adult acute beds occupied by covid-positive patients, with admissions still growing in every case.
Exclusive: ‘Very low’ uptake of covid death payments by families of health and care staff
The families of fewer than half of the 547 NHS and social care staff who have died from covid are on course to benefit from the government’s £60,000 compensation package, HSJ has discovered.
Rush to meet election promise risks hospital rebuild ‘disaster zone’
A major hospital rebuild may become a ‘disaster zone’ because of a rush to meet the government’s election promise to deliver new facilities quickly, a Conservative MP has warned.
HSJ Awards
HSJ Value Awards 2020: Respiratory Care Initiative of the Year
Winner University Hospitals of Derby and Burton Foundation Trust: ImpACT+ The ImpACT+ service is delivered by a team of respiratory consultants, specialist respiratory nurses, physiotherapists and occupational therapists along with admin and clinical support staff. The service has transformed specialist community respiratory services for people with Chronic Respiratory Disease living ...
Proof that virtual clinics can reduce waiting lists
A pilot project demonstrates that investment in proactive specialist referral management and virtual clinics can significantly reduce waiting lists, write Rama Vancheeswaran and others
Parents who lost babies join Kirkup panel
Two parents who have lost babies are to act as specialist advisers to an investigation into maternity and neonatal services in East Kent, which is beginning its work.
New areas emerge as hotspots for ‘excess deaths’
New areas have emerged as hotspots for excess deaths during the coronavirus pandemic, according to new analysis of care home statistics by HSJ.
A virtual hospital model can help tackle the covid-19 pandemic
West Hertforshire Hospitals Trust has been running a fully integrated, virtual consultant delivered triaging service that can be a vital part of the armoury against covid-19, say Rama Vancheeswaran, Matthew Knight, David Evans, Michael Van der Watt, Alex Newland Smith, Charlie Oliver, Philip Kelso, Chantoy Spencer and Andrew Barlow
UPDATED: Trust tells public to stay away after problems with oxygen equipment
A hospital trust has told the public not to attend one of its emergency department because of a “technical issue” with its oxygen equipment.
Exclusive: Trusts set to be let off £10bn debt
NHS providers that owe the government a combined £10bn would see the debts converted into a form of investment that does not have to be repaid, under plans being discussed by national leaders.
STP seeks fifth leader since 2016 to ‘navigate ambiguity’
A health system in the east of England is looking for a new leader, which will be the fifth appointment to the post since 2016.
Trusts in line for new hospitals will face extra charges
Six providers set to receive major public investment in new hospital buildings may struggle to afford annual charges on their new assets, according to experts.
Named: The trusts receiving new cash for scanners
The trusts in line to receive £200m for upgrading cancer screening equipment from the government have been announced.
Mapped: The hospital builds in PM’s pledge
The trusts which will benefit from a share of £2.7bn to rebuild hospitals, or £100m to develop business cases for future schemes, announced by the prime minister today.