All West Midlands articles – Page 114

  • News

    Guilty by emission as carbon cuts loom large


    The NHS emits a million tonnes of carbon a year, but it must cut this figure drastically. Helen Crump asks whether trusts are giving this issue the priority it requires and highlights some innovative ideas.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Managing sickness absence: case study


    Following a rise in sickness absences among its staff, Wolverhampton City PCT formed a research team to investigate. Kuljit Heer explains what the team found out

  • News

    SHA chief gets top job at Care Quality Commission


    Cynthia Bower is to be appointed as the chief executive of the Care Quality Commission.Ms Bower, the chief executive of West Midlands strategic health authority, is expected to be confirmed as the chief executive imminently, HSJ can reveal.

  • Comment

    Paul Jennings on social marketing


    Walsall Teaching primary care trust was one of the first organisations to deploy health trainers to give one-to-one support to people with health problems.

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    Jo Davis on the ambassador chairman


    There's a lot more to being a trust chairman than just chairing board meetings. One of the most important roles, without a doubt, is that of ambassador.

  • News

    Trust ends contract after pay nightmare


    University Hospital of North Staffordshire has withdrawn from its contract with a payroll provider after months of mistakes in the pay packets of hundreds of staff.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Frontline pharmacy


    The community pharmacist’s invaluable role in dispensing prescriptions and advice is sure to expand into delivering some primary healthcare services, says Lloydspharmacy

  • News

    Regions braced for change as plans put Darzi's vision on map


    The strategic health authorities have set out their stalls but is there anything new in the proposals and are they likely to make regional variations in care inevitable? Alison Moore investigates

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    Paul Jennings on listening to staff


    Improving communication with staff took Walsall Teaching primary care trust from the bottom 10 per cent to the top 10 per cent in the national staff survey

  • News

    Darzi review: regions promise safer and fairer services


    NHS West Midlands is to focus on prevention, quality improvement and patient involvement in a bid to tackle 'an unjustifiable variability in the safety and quality of services'.

  • News

    West Midlands and South East Coast set out Darzi visions


    NHS West Midlands has identified ‘seven big challenges’ for healthcare in the region, including an ‘unjustifiable variability’ in the safety and quality of services.

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    Sophia Christie on world class organisations


    The assurance process for world class commissioning is developing apace but with no national development programme, many in primary care trusts are wondering where to focus attention.

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    Jo Davis on forming a successful council of governors


    One year on from rising to the challenge of chairing her first governors' meeting, Jo Davis explains how the steps she took to prepare herself allowed an open and interactive group to flourish

  • News

    Inquiry shows gap in paediatric training


    Children and young people with life-threatening illness are not being treated appropriately because professionals caring for them are not trained in paediatrics, the world's first confidential inquiry into child deaths has found.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Putting staff at the centre of change


    Disengagement is widespread among health service staff, but there are steps managers can take to improve the situation

  • Comment

    Jo Davis on leading a foundation trust board


    As chair of Birmingham Children's Hospital foundation trust, I had a unique role in our bid for FT status. It was my job to develop the board and guide it through the rigorous application process.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Pharmacies' role in community care


    From screening to health advice to treating minor ailments, pharmacies are embracing their new role as partners in the drive to improve public health

  • News

    Managers criticised over reconfiguration plans


    Chief executives in North Staffordshire have responded to a scathing report in which senior managers were criticised for failing to collaborate over reconfiguration plans.

  • News

    Web sees fall in calls to NHS Direct


    NHS Direct has experienced a significant and consistent drop in calls to its national 0845 number since 2006, HSJ can reveal.

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    Sophie Christie on the Lucentis drug controversy


    The latest media celebration of how terrible the NHS is gathers pace. The press has been reporting that people are going blind because they are being refused a drug (as opposed to going blind because they have a degenerative disease). Yet the fourth estate seems to be missing a far ...