All West Midlands articles – Page 116

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Foundation trusts applications: shape up or ship out


    The deadline for all acute trusts to apply for foundation status by 2008 has proved unrealistic. What now for those that have not made the leap? Helen Mooney reports

  • News

    DoH may pull private scanning schemes


    The Department of Health is reviewing plans to add private sector diagnostic capacity in five of its seven proposed schemes.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Choosing Health tackles health inequalities in prisons


    Lifestyle initiatives are being taken into prisons to deliver healthy living messages to the most disadvantaged groups in society, writes David Williams

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Paul Jennings on measuring clinicians


    How does a primary care trust measure the performance of its GPs? Some things are relatively easily counted: operations, visits to the clinician. It is harder to count things that really matter, such as standards of care, the competence of the clinician, training, and the outcome for the patient. Paul ...

  • News

    DoH names 14 firms that will support PCTs


    Fourteen private firms have been appointed by the Department of Health to help primary care trusts commission services, HSJ can reveal.

  • News

    Chief executive confirmed for mental health trust


    Acting chief executive of Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership trust Sandy Taylor has been confirmed in the role.

  • News

    Public consultation to decide on the NHS's next step


    Public 'juries' in 10 cities linked up live last week to kick off a huge consultation to help decide nothing less than the NHS's future. And the prime minister put in a suprise appearance. Helen Mooney reports

  • News

    EU cancer case


    The European Commission has been asked to investigate whether a primary care trust can refuse to pay for drugs that are being funding elsewhere.In a case which, if it succeeds, would set a precedent for local PCT decisions on prescribing, Tory MEP Chris Heaton-Harris is calling on the European Commission ...

  • News

    Johnson and Darzi start public engagement events


    Health secretary Alan Johnson and junior health minister Lord Darzi have begun meeting the public in what the Department of Health has called 'one of the largest engagementeventsin the history of the NHS'.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Keele celebrates 20 years of health management


    Celebrating the 21st anniversary of the Centre for Health Planning and Management next month, Keele University will be taking time out to reflect on past achievements and look to the centre's future.

  • News

    Exclusive: SHAs understaffed and under pressure, say managers' union


    Strategic health authorities will struggle to do their jobs properly because of ‘draconian’ staff cuts, union Managers in Partnership has warned.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Commissioning: a problem shared


    Many reforms must rest on well-supported commissioners. Specialist services and agencies serving clusters of primary care trusts mean help is at hand, reports Daloni Carlisle

  • News

    Call to action as killings continue to fail service users and public


    A lack of government guidance means SHAs and mental health trusts have little clarity in how to examine why service users were able to kill. Investigations drag on and findings from cases as long ago as 1996 have not been acted on. Charlotte Santry reports

  • News

    West Midlands chiefs named


    HSJ introduces eight new primary care trust chief executives appointed by NHS West Midlands

  • News

    PCT leaders fail to secure chief exec posts in West Midlands


    Just two of the chief executive jobs running eight new primary care trusts in the West Midlands, the former fiefdom of new NHS chief executive David Nicholson, have gone to incumbent chief executives.

  • News

    One SHA for West Midlands?


    Published: 29/09/2005, Volume II5, No. 5975 Page 7

  • News

    In brief: West Midlands regional office


    West Midlands regional office has sent warning letters to GPs after a newspaper revealed that a woman later diagnosed as having Creutzveldt-Jakob disease had a hysterectomy at a maternity unit in the region. The instruments used in the operation were sterilised, but later re-used for procedures on other patients. Where ...