All Whittington Health NHS Trust articles – Page 7
HSJ Knowledge
All in a day's work: the drive for better ambulatory care
Make same-day care the default option
February waits: England breaches 18 weeks, in a good way
Target missed for first time in years
HSJ Local
Haringey's sexual health service put out to tender
Sexual health services currently provided by Whittington Health are to be put out to tender by the north London authority that took over the role of commissioning the services last April.
HSJ Knowledge
NHS leaders show courage under fire
Developing resilience has become vital for health leaders
Elective waiting list continues to grow
The size of the NHS waiting list for elective care grew in January, bucking the pattern of previous years where the number of patients waiting reduced during the month, according to latest figures for England.
HSJ Local
Whittington Health chief executive steps down
The chief executive of Whittington Health has announced she will be leaving the trust at the end of March.
HSJ Live 18.03.2014: DH eases private sector access to NHS pensions
U-turn means independent providers will not be required to provide a financial guarantee to become part of NHS Pension Scheme
Analysis: Flat waiting list bucks seasonal trend
The national elective waiting list hovered just below 3 million throughout the autumn – in defiance of the seasonal pattern seen in recent years – in one of the clearest indications so far of the pressure on the acute sector.
And so it begins: the decline of 18 week waits
The waiting list usually shrinks from August to December. Not this time. The waiting list now looks set to pass the 3 million mark around Easter, and there is a risk of England-wide 18 week breaches this year.
18 week waits still holding
The NHS held steady on 18 weeks with an increase in admissions, despite signs of increased pressure on waiting times.
Waiting list grows in October for first time
For the first time since records began, the English waiting list grew in October. Still, 18-week waits were steady. One-year waits probably got worse.
Waiting list hike leads to delays for some treatments
A deliberate slowdown in the treatment of people with less serious ailments and the discovery of groups of patients who were not previously recorded in national statistics could be behind growing waiting lists, experts have said.
Fury at hospital parking charges
Campaigners have slammed car parking charges at hospitals, with some NHS organisations charging almost three times the national average.
English waiting list peaking just below 3 million
The English waiting list peaks just below 3 million: the largest reported list size since April 2008. But 18 weeks performance remains steady.
Waiting list grows more slowly as NHS catches up
The waiting list grew more slowly in June, helped by higher admission rates. Even though the waiting list remains very large, 18 weeks performance held steady.
HSJ Knowledge
Celia Ingham Clark: ‘I’ve not encountered any prejudice’
The NHS England clinical director discusses leadership
Record breaking rise in English waiting list
The English waiting list got much bigger again in April. There will be trouble.
HSJ Local
Deputy finance director leaves Whittington Health Trust
FINANCE: The deputy director of finance at Whittington Health Trust has left to take up a post at Wirral University Teaching Hospital Foundation Trust.
HSJ Local
Whittington awarded £750,000 for maternity upgrade
STRUCTURE: Whittington Health Trust was awarded £750,000 by the Department of Health to upgrade its maternity facilities.
Whistleblowers and hospitals both need more protecting
We can’t have hospitals where doctors are outnumbered by lawyers