Whittington Health NHS Trust – Page 12

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    Dying for a good meal?


    The NHS serves 3 million meals a day - more than any other organisation in the UK, even McDonald's. But more than a third of hospital patients suffer from malnutrition. Barbara Millar reports on initiatives to improve standards

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    Record queues in Dobson's patch


    Hospital waiting lists have reached a record high in health secretary Frank Dobson's own constituency.

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    in person


    Worthing Priority Care trust has appointed Richard Congdon (above) chief executive. Mr Congdon was formerly chief executive at Surrey Heartlands trust. He succeeds Suzanne Cosgrave, who is to become director of a barristers' chambers .

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    Plain English Crystal Mark holders include:


    Argyll and Bute trust, Central Middlesex Hospital trust, Derbyshire Royal Infirmary, Dumfries and Galloway health board, East and Midlothian trust, Fife health board, Gloucestershire Royal trust, Kensington, Chelsea and Westminster health authority, Lifespan Healthcare trust (Cambridge), Borders General Hospital, Cental Manchester Healthcare trust, Down Lisburn Health and Social Services trust, ...

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    The Turnberg recommendations


    In south-east London...