All articles by Will Hazell – Page 7

  • Somerset
    HSJ Local

    Fear of competition rules stopped council pooling social care budget


    Somerset County Council decided against rolling social care money into CCG’s outcome based commissioning plans Council received legal advice that it could not participate in non-competitive process CCG managing director says “most capable provider” process “not available” to NHS organisations from this month A council in the South ...

  • Will_Hazell
    Expert Briefing

    Deep South: A turnaround success story


    Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell

  • pharma

    Exclusive: Rise in drug imports reduces pharma industry money to NHS


    Treasury forced to inject £205m into DH last year after overestimate of PPRS payment Weakening pound because of Brexit uncertainty could increase money going to NHS Pharmaceutical industry claims rebate was also lower because NHS is benefiting from direct discounts An increase in drug imports from Europe was ...

  • Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

    Updated: NHS Improvement threatens 'management changes' at Southern Health


    CQC issue Southern Health Foundation Trust with warning notice requiring it to improve safety arrangements Regulator inspected the trust in response to Mazars review, which highlighted failure of trust to properly investigate and learn from patient deaths CQC found trust had “failed to mitigate significant risks” posed by “physical ...

  • Will_Hazell
    Expert Briefing

    Deep South: Goodbye, hello to Angela Pedder


    Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell

  • Angela Pedder
    HSJ Local

    Trust chief stands down after 19 years to lead success regime


    Angela Pedder to stand down as chief executive of Royal Devon and Exeter Foundation Trust after 19 years Ms Pedder to become “lead chief executive” for northern, eastern and western Devon success regime Also named as “sustainability and transformation plan” lead for overall Devon footprint Angela Pedder is ...

  • board table
    HSJ Local

    Special measures CCG placed in NHS England 'directions'


    Shropshire CCG placed in NHS England “directions” David Evans, accountable officer of Telford and Wrekin CCG, to lead both groups CCGs will remain separate but Mr Evans authorised to develop “joint management team” for both organisations Shropshire CCG forecast £10.9m deficit and has been in special measures since December ...

  • Chris Harisson

    NHS England names 18 new national clinical directors


    Eighteen national clinical directors and seven “associate” directors under new NHS England structure Chris Harrison is NCD for cancer and Tim Kendall is mental health NCD NHS England said it was reforming previous structure of 23 NCDs to improve clinical advice and “slim down” organisation NHS England has ...

  • Pills

    NHS England rollout of ground-breaking drugs 'changes role of NICE'


    NHS England to roll out new treatments to 10,000 patients in 2016-17 through “operational delivery networks” Hepatitis C groups claim capping treatments is “rationing” and changes the role of NICE Concerns raised that NHS England approach will increase health inequality and long term costs NHS England’s plans for ...

  • Hand with pills

    NHS England refuses to fund local authority HIV drugs


    Letter circulated in Yorkshire and the Humber says NHS England will no longer pay for HIV drugs provided by local authority commissioned services Association of Directors of Public Health says move is not in interests of those at risk of HIV Local government has accused NHS England of “shunting” ...

  • Will_Hazell
    Expert Briefing

    Deep South: The STP and success regime in Devon


    Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell

  • David Behan

    Updated: CQC to hike trust fees by 75 per cent


    CQC fees for smaller trusts to increase by £58,656 next year Fees for GP practices to triple but government will cover extra cost CQC chooses most bullish of the options it consulted on, moving to “full cost recovery” from providers over two years The Care Quality Commission will ...

  • Whistle

    Whistleblower guardian job may remain part-time despite criticism


    CQC job advert for national guardian will be for minimum of three days a week Previous guardian resigned after two months because she was unable to balance role with other job Sir Robert Francis says many local guardians are not what he “envisaged” in whistleblowing review The Care ...

  • Will_Hazell
    Expert Briefing

    Deep South: Cornwall lonely hearts


    Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell

  • Homerton University Hospital

    CQC: Stark contrast in maternity inspections due to 'different hypothesis'


    CQC rated maternity unit at Homerton as “inadequate” for safety in 2015 after rating it “good” the previous year Internal review finds that different “hypothesis” and unannounced second inspection led to different findings CQC was contacted by whistleblower about maternal deaths before first inspection, but this did not feature ...

  • 3002939 surgery equipment surgeon theatre
    HSJ Local

    CCGs consider sweeping restrictions to plug £25m hole


    Redditch and Bromsgrove, South Worcestershire and Wyre Forest CCGs seek feedback on service cuts Proposals include restricting access to hearing aids, sterilisation and treatments for patients with “unhealthy lifestyles” CCGs say savings needed to fill £25m funding gap next year FINANCE: A group of clinical commissioning groups in ...

  • A Marie Curie Nurse makes a female patient comfortable

    Patient review websites promise reform after investigation


    Three websites providing reviews of care homes agree to improve practices after CMA highlights concerns with online review sector Two of the sites are CQC “review partners” which share feedback with the regulator Changes also apply to other NHS review sites Websites which provide online reviews of NHS ...

  • Will_Hazell
    Expert Briefing

    Welcome to Deep South: G’day mate


    Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell

  • Yeovil District Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Vanguard trust gets £23m Department of Health loan


    FINANCE: A South West trust which is a prominent vanguard site has received a £23m loan from the Department of Health, HSJ has learned.

  • Claire Murdoch

    47 trust chiefs and chairs to be NHS Improvement advisers


    NHS Improvement has brought together two advisory panels composed of chairs and chief executives from NHS trusts.