All Winter pressures articles – Page 28

  • Nigel Edwards

    Nigel Edwards on winter pressures in the NHS


    The NHS has learned much from the demand surges of other winters. But while effective measures are in place, costs are significant and challenges for managers still persist

  • Comment

    Stephen Eames on managing the NHS


    I spent a significant chunk of my Christmas break dealing with the 'here and now' while also reflecting on the harsh year we all face.

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    Tales of the expected


    The highs and lows of acute sector demand are far more predictable than is often thought, and can be planned for in summer and winter, write Tony Jewell and Hilary Spiers

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    Ready for take-off, but concordat could nose-dive


    Warm embrace of private healthcare by Labour is high-risk strategy

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    Remedy for overspending crisis may pile extra pressure on NHS


    Action to tackle a financial crisis in social services could put further pressure on the NHS, which is already facing major bed blocking problems in the South East of England.

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    East Sussex hit by rash of bed blocks


    A shortfall in social services funding is causing severe bed blocking in East Sussex hospitals.

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    Extra £154m for NI health fails to dispel winter pressure fears


    Northern Ireland health minister Bairbre de Brun has secured an extra £154m for next year's health and social services budget. But she says the 7.2 per cent increase is not enough - and the chief executive of the province's biggest acute trust has warned that there is still 'a mountain ...

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    No chance of avoiding crisis


    Only by valuing staff can the NHS retain loyalty through a difficult winter

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    Cancelled ops suggestwinterwoes


    Figures showing a big jump in cancelled operations this year suggest that managers will struggle to comply with ministerial orders to keep them to a minimum this winter.

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    Putting the clock back


    Will the government's flexible retirement initiative have any effect on the NHS's entrenched staffing problems? Jeremy Davies reports

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    £630m set aside for winter care


    The winter emergency services team is planning 40 visits to 'key health and social care communities' as part of plans aimed at averting the annual NHS 'winter crisis', junior health minister Gisela Stuart announced last week.

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    Services 'will go down the tubes in NI if system is not improved'


    Health provision will 'go down the tubes' in Northern Ireland unless a better system is set up, a leading doctor has warned.

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    Cutting edge


    The enhancement of post-operative theatre recovery facilities to provide short-term intensive care for surgical patients, a concept pioneered at St Thomas' trust more than a decade ago, received the Department of Health's seal of approval in a health service circular published earlier this year on critical care services.

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    Closer to home


    Although many hospital patients would be better off at home, intermediate care is regarded with scepticism in many quarters. A shift in attitudes is called for, according to Jacqueline Mallender and Andrew Richman

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    Those of you working on the coal-face, so to speak, or near it, or in a rather plush office from which you can almost smell it, may well be cocooned from the deluge of serious issues that hit the NHS daily. And what a mass there is: if only there ...

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    Stepping stones


    Co-operation between health and social services in one area has created a successful intermediate care structure for elderly people, explains Barbara Hitchins

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    Milburn signals health and social care merger


    Health secretary Alan Milburn has signalled that next month's national plan will involve wholesale NHS reform, including moves to merge health and social care.

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    Turning up the heat


    Proposals from an expert group on critical care are already looking ahead to the service demands of next winter. And there's money available, too. Kaye McIntosh reports

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    Harried, hounded - Gisela is left to her Owen devices


    Iwas rung in advance to be tipped off that NHS waiting-list totals had finally fallen to 100,000 below the level inherited from the Tories and (like last week's HSJ editorial) was amused to notice what little media attention this long-awaited event generated. Nowadays, on-message folk think waiting times, not lists.

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    Vacuum task


    With continuing uncertainty about the long-term future of devolved government, the furious pace of reform in the Northern Ireland health service has juddered to a halt. Lyn Whitfield reports