All Winter pressures articles – Page 31

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    Despair over cheap jibe at primary care cover during the festive season


    Having been a GP in active practice for over 30 years and worked in various NHS structures trying to advance a needs-led service, I despaired at your article, 'There is a crisis. I'm not denying it' (news focus, 14 January).

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    Fancy brick work


    How much support exists for the health select committee's proposal to integrate fully health and social services, wonders Pat Healy; 'Bringing them together would be a disaster. You can't force people to work together'

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    Ministers want single pay review body structure as part of modernisation drive


    Ministers floated their first thoughts on how the proposed new pay system for the NHS might work this week - just as they are gearing up to announce this year's pay awards, which sources say will be on 4 February.

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    'There is a crisis. I'm not denying it'


    Hospitals have buckled under the strain of this year’s winter pressures. Thelma Agnew and Laura Donnelly report HSJ’s findings, as health secretary Frank Dobson gives his verdict:

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    Pay, not PR, is the solution Ministers must get to the heart of nurse shortages - and winter crises


    Another new year, another clutch of 'NHS in crisis' headlines bespatters the national newspapers. The pattern is a classic, if not quite perennial, one: widespread outbreaks of flu lead to more patients presenting in accident and emergency departments, while on the wards the same outbreaks lead to elderly people blocking ...

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    Taking the pressure off


    Ideas from the workshops

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    Praise be


    Delegates at the Healthcare Financial Management Association's annual conference heard health minister Alan Milburn extol the virtues of finance staff, while emphasising their 'key role' in the year ahead. Lyn Whitfield reports

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    Cold remedies


    As winter pressures begin to bite, one health authority is better able to cope, thanks to multi-agency workshops which also involved local elderly people.

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    £155m hospital for Bromley


    Contracts have been signed for the ninth major hospital to be built under the private finance initiative. Building work on a £155m hospital for Bromley will start shortly.

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    More this week on secret plans for PCGs (that's the patient consultative groups revealed here last week). As you will recall, all patients are to be grouped into PCGs of roughly 500 people each. Our secret source reveals that practice budgets will be devolved to each PCG, whose duties will ...

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    Crackdown on NHS sickness bill begins


    NHS human resources managers are to have new guidance on tackling absenteeism in line with chancellor Gordon Brown's bid to cut £6bn from the public sector staff sickness bill.

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    Chancellor finds extra £250m to cope with winter pressures


    Chancellor Gordon Brown found an extra £250m 'winter cash' for the NHS in his pre-budget statement on Tuesday.

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    Winter pressure cash plea meets a cool response from Executive


    The NHS Executive has responded coolly to calls for a regular cash injection to help trusts cope with steep rises in emergency cases over the winter months.

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    Nyes not Tonies


    An award for good practice named after the founder of the NHS was one of the 'appetisers' thrown to Labour delegates at Blackpool, but they made it clear that pay is still the key issue. Patrick Butler reports

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    Joint winter funding is 'lopsided' - Thornton


    Inter-agency partnerships to tackle winter pressures will be 'lopsided' unless the government plans a long-term cash injection for social services, NHS Confederation chief executive Stephen Thornton warned last week.

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    Dobson sets winter pressures deadline


    Health authorities and trusts have been given just four weeks to detail plans for dealing with this year's winter pressures.

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    'Winter pressures' could tip the balance of care


    A re-assessment of NHS priorities is necessary to cope this winter

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    Wales' lists climb to 74,000 with scores of 'long-waiters'


    Hospital waiting lists in Wales have risen more rapidly than in England, and government figures show hundreds of patients still having to wait more than two years for treatment.

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    'Carrot and stick' to cut waiting lists


    A £32m performance fund has been created to encourage health authorities to meet new waiting list targets.