Workforce – Page 133
NHSE regional director shifts to trust
NHS England’s medical director for the West Midlands has left to take up a role at a hospital trust.
Exclusive: Government drops key safe staffing measure
Publication of nurse staffing levels at each hospital in England – introduced after the Francis Inquiry to boost safety – has been quietly dropped, HSJ can reveal.
Ex-Barking director appointed to regulators' regional team
NHS England and NHS Improvement have appointed a substantive finance director for one of their new regional directorates, while an interim appointment has been made in another.
NHS hierarchies put patients at risk says CQC chief
Hierarchies within the NHS workforce are a “real bar” to patient safety, the chief inspector of hospitals has warned.
Public sector pay-offs to be restricted to £95,000
Public sector pay-offs are to be capped at £95,000 following controversy over six-figure payouts, the government has announced.
Job planning is vital – without it, there is no team
If job planning is done well, the prize is a real team that works measurably smarter, making cost effective use of resources from programmed activities, to CT scans, beds and more. By Nadeem Moghal
Trust and union lock horns after £1m tribunal
A trust chief executive and a union secretary are locked in a war of words over the trust’s handling of an employment tribunal and the fate of its workforce director.
Capacity concerns over cancer pilot
NHS England has “questions to answer” about its lung cancer scanning pilots, as concerns have been raised over whether there will be enough diagnostic capacity to cope with the expected increase in referrals.
Merging regulators fail to hire commercial chief amid director reshuffle
NHS Improvement and NHS England will launch a new search for a chief commercial officer after failing to recruit to the position.
Expert Briefing
The Ward Round: A new era for HEE?
Staffing is the issue keeping NHS leaders awake at night – and which consumes two-thirds of trusts’ spending. The fortnightly The Ward Round newsletter, by HSJ workforce correspondent Annabelle Collins, will make sure you are tuned in to the daily pressures on staff, and the wider trends and policies shaping ...
Trust makes vaccination mandatory for recruitment
A West Midlands trust will no longer recruit staff who have not had an immunisation for mumps, measles and rubella.
Major delays to national deaths review policy
A national scheme to improve safety with closer scrutiny of deaths is seeing major delays, with a large majority of areas missing its planned go-live date, HSJ has learned.
Profits plummet at major healthcare staffing agency
Turnover and profits have fallen significantly at a large supplier of agency staff to the NHS, its annual accounts have revealed.
CPD budget cuts were ‘trade-off’ for more nurses
The removal of money from continuing professional development budgets was “a trade-off” to increase the number of nurses in training, the chair of HEE has said.
Sir David Behan: HEE needs to be clearer about its purpose
Health Education England needs to be clear about its purpose, as “any organisation that isn’t clear about its purpose will fail”, Sir David Behan has told HSJ.
HSJ Local
Acute CEO role for boss within provider 'chain'
A senior manager who led part of a new hospital chain in Greater Manchester has been appointed chief executive of a small acute trust.
Top mental health trust names new chief
One of England’s top mental health trusts has appointed a chief executive from its neighbour.
HSJ Local
Teaching trust chief executive to retire
The chief executive of a teaching trust in Lancashire has announced she will retire, HSJ has learned.
EU healthcare qualifications to be recognised after no-deal Brexit
EU workers will have their qualifications and registrations recognised whether the UK leaves the EU with or without a deal, the health and social care secretary has announced.
Diversifying the HSJ Awards
The NHS England Workforce Race Equality Standard team is working with HSJ to increase diversity in all aspects of the HSJ awards, notes Dr Habib Naqvi