Workforce – Page 195
BMA council approves five-day junior doctors strike
BMA council approves five-day strike by junior doctors next month Decision follows rejection of compromise agreement reached between BMA negotiators and government Strike action is likely to significantly affect the provision of NHS services and lead to thousands of cancelled operations Junior doctors in England will stage a ...
New data reveals scale of nursing jobs advertised
New data from NHS Digital shows 29,000 full-time equivalent job adverts for nurses in first three months of 2016 More than 9,000 registered nurse and midwife roles were advertised each month on the NHS Jobs website Year on year there were 3,300 more FTE nursing staff working in the ...
HSJ Local
Yorkshire hospital trust chief steps down
LEADERSHIP: A south Yorkshire hospital trust chief executive has stepped down to spend more time with his family after nearly four years in the post.
Katrina Percy resigns as Southern Health chief executive
Katrina Percy resigns as chief executive of Southern Health Foundation Trust Ms Percy said “ongoing personal media attention” following the publication of the Mazars report had made her role “untenable” Julie Dawes, director of nursing and quality, to take over as interim chief executive Katrina Percy is standing ...
Revealed: NHS trusts to lose millions in training funding
Treasury spending review leads to 2 per cent cut in education and training cash paid to NHS providers in 2016-17 Health Education England will offset the cut this year as a one-off move to prevent destabilisation NHS Providers warns cuts are not sustainable in light of wider financial pressures ...
HEE to re-run job appointment after royal college complaint
Health Education England has said it will re-run the appointment process for the head of Yorkshire and the Humber School of Radiology after the appointment of a radiographer led to complaints by a medical royal college.
Revealed: £6m spent on redundancies at closed CSUs
The bill for redundancies following the shutting of two commissioning support units reached more than £6m, HSJ can reveal.
HSJ Local
Trust approves £300k increase in nurse spending following inspection
A trust in Wiltshire, which was told to improve staffing levels earlier this year, has earmarked nearly £300,000 for additional nursing staff.
HSJ Local
Doctor shortage may see maternity unit downgraded
WORKFORCE: A shortage of doctors may lead to an Oxfordshire maternity unit being downgraded next month.
Failure to 'radically redesign' paediatric services fuels six year high vacancy rate
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health criticises NHS’s failure to reorganise services Vacancy rates for junior doctors in paediatrics have reached a six year high, according to workforce census RCPCH calls for increases in training posts including nurses and training for GPs Failure to reconfigure NHS paediatric ...
Junior doctors seek 'rolling industrial action'
Hospitals could be hit by a “rolling programme of industrial action” by junior doctors from as early as next month, according to an email sent to British Medical Association members tonight.
Chief executives warned over breaches to junior doctors contract
Handful of trusts have breached terms of new junior doctors contract related to guardians for safe working hours NHS Improvement warns trusts not to undermine the confidence of doctors following dispute with government A third of guardian posts have not been filled because of failures to agree on appointments ...
A glimmer of hope for NHS staffing
The necessity for leaders to freshly engage with and motivate staff is the silver lining in these tough times
HSJ Knowledge
Roundtable: when high expectations meet low morale
At a time of stagnating salaries and punishing workloads, how are NHS leaders helping staff cope?
HSJ Local
Trust gets fourth chief in a year as former directors face disciplinary hearings
Southport and Ormskirk Hospital Trust appoints fourth chief executive in a year Comes after four senior officers, including chief executive Jonathan Parry, were “excluded from work” last August Disciplinary hearings will be arranged for three of the officers after an investigation into their conduct LEADERSHIP: A fourth chief ...
FTSE 100 companies’ 'top talent' could fill NHS board roles
IBM and Barclays among companies in discussion with NHS Improvement to fill non-executive positions Fifteen companies are so far part of plan to source “top talent” from private sector for trust boards NHS Improvement developing board support strategy and an ambition of 50/50 gender balance on boards by 2020 ...
Universities plan for 'devo Manc' medical school
Three universities are jointly examining plans born out of the Greater Manchester devolution project to train more health workers and set up an independent international medical school.
Expert Briefing
Lintern’s Risk Register: Which tribe do you belong to?
A thought provoking meet-up this week got me thinking about tribalism in the NHS and how that impacts on day to day culture, staff and patient care. Also this week: can the CQC stay true to its mission? Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety ...
Expert Briefing
North by North West: Talking job cuts
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill
Nursing shortage could continue beyond 2020
Forecast demand by trusts for adult nurses is not aligned to the Five Year Forward View Unless demand forecasts reduce the nursing shortage will continue beyond 2020 HEE’s pledge to meet future demand for nurses depends on activity falling in line with forward view Trusts had forecast an additional ...