Workforce – Page 208

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Government will impose new junior doctors' contract


    Health secretary says new contract will deliver increases in basic pay plus premium pay for weekend work Imposition follows three years of no progress on talks with the BMA Heidi Alexander tells says imposing a deal is a “sign of failure” HSJ Live: reaction to the new junior doctors’ ...

  • Physiotherapy

    HEE under fire for 'inexplicable' physio cuts


    Chartered Society for Physiotherapy questions HEE’s workforce predictions Physiotherapy training places will be cut by 6.7 per cent in 2016-17 HEE says it stands by its forecast and will deliver 5,124 additional physiotherapy staff by 2020 Health Education England has come under fire for “inexplicable” cuts to physiotherapy ...

  • Harry Evans

    Analysed: public reaction to the junior doctors’ strike


    Public support has strengthened in favour of junior doctors, with an increase in those strongly supporting yesterday’s strike compared to the one in January. 

  • David Dalton

    Dalton tells Hunt to 'do what is necessary' on junior doctors' contract


    Sir David Dalton says agreement not possible and government should take action to deliver certainty to the NHS Jeremy Hunt to speak in Parliament at 12.15pm and could announce plans to impose a deal Sir David says BMA unwilling to accept any plain time working on Saturday despite new ...

  • Peter sykes

    Echoes of the past in the junior doctors' row


    Peter Sykes delves into the past and compares the junior doctos’ dispute with industrial action in 1975

  • Hospital staff rushing with patient

    Staff agencies struggle to meet NHS demand following pay cap


    Survey suggests agencies are struggling to fill NHS shifts following introduction of pay caps Monitor says the majority of trusts are not struggling to find temporary staff but a third of providers have said it is more difficult Jim Mackey says NHS’s financial challenge “should not be at the ...

  • Healthcare assistant

    Higher number of HCAs linked with increased mortality, says study


    Research shows trusts with a higher number of healthcare assistants relative to bed numbers had an increased risk of mortality Study also found an association between higher numbers of nurses and doctors to patients and a fall in mortality rates Authors warn NHS policymakers against regarding HCAs as interchangeable ...

  • Jeremy Hunt 2014

    Exclusive poll: Public blames government for latest strike


    Public blames government for industrial action continuing into second month Two-thirds of public still back junior doctors, but opposition has grown since January Over 65s least supportive of junior doctors; 25-34 year olds most supportive The public blames the government for the junior doctors’ industrial action continuing into ...

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016

    Last ditch talks try to stop junior doctors' strike


    NHS Employers confirms talks have taken place with the British Medical Association to try to avert strike Junior doctors are due to walk out for 24 hours from 8am tomorrow but emergency care will be provided NHS England estimates almost 3,000 inpatient and daycase procedures will be cancelled ...

  • Clock

    Former NHS chief calls for four hour mental health target


    Commission describes mental health system under pressure after “steady attrition” of funding in recent years Lord Crisp calls for new four hour waiting time target for acute adult patients and an end to long distance transfers Mental Health Network calls on NHS England to invest directly in frontline provision ...

  • Hand shake

    Exclusive: DH hired headhunters to find new regulator chief


    The Department of Health spent thousands on a headhunting firm to recruit the head of NHS Improvement, only a few months before trusts were warned against using the firms for their own executive posts, HSJ can reveal.

  • Naaem_Ahmed

    Decisions on the junior doctor contracts will inform who we want delivering the NHS


    The drive to reform the NHS must be careful not to alienate the very people who can make it happen

  • Karen Castille

    Women: Victims or champions of change?


    Karen Castille discusses the dangers of creating a victim culture and why women should instead take on the role of change champion

  • Patient and health worker smiling at each other

    We must keep our eyes on the outcomes prize


    The bravest leaders are ensuring outcomes are prized above activity – but this is not a mission for the faint hearted

  • Workforce

    NAO: NHS workforce plans driven by saving cash


    National Audit Office says existing system of workforce planning is not value for money NHS training 19 per cent fewer nurses in 2014-15 than it was in 2004-05 NAO says trust workforce predictions influenced by financial efficiency savings NHS trusts’ workforce predictions are driven by the imperative to ...

  • Helen mckenna 3 x 2

    Getting the measure of this year's NHS planning guidance


    The planning guidance comes amid a backdrop of balancing finances and patient safety

  • Workforce

    New staffing metric 'may lead to unsafe nursing levels'


    ‘Care hours’ metric to be ‘principal’ measure for nursing deployment Experts say using metric could lead to unsafe staffing Concerns include the mixing of nurse and healthcare assistant numbers Lord Carter says trusts should also use separate data on nurses and HCAs A new headline staffing metric proposed ...

  • Pathology

    Tell trusts whether to outsource this year, says Carter


    Lord Carter recommends trusts determine whether their in-house departments are viable this year Urges NHS Improvement to develop benchmarks for admin costs, pharmacy and pathology Methodology used for review has been criticised Trusts should find out this year whether they will be forced to outsource their administration, pathology ...

  • Lord Carter4

    Carter review: the 15 recommendations


    The 15 core recommendations of the Carter Review on hospital productivity at a glance. 

  • David Cameron

    Fifteen trusts asked to pay executives more than prime minister


    Fifteen trusts applied for permission to pay an executive more than the prime minister Providers must get Treasury approval for salaries above £142,500 NHS Improvement leaders say finding the right managers is biggest problem facing providers Fifteen trusts have applied for permission to pay at least one board ...