Workforce – Page 222
HSJ Local
Paramedic struck off over 'offensive' Stafford Hospital Facebook posts
A West Midlands paramedic has been struck off after posting on Facebook that he hoped Julie Bailey, who helped expose poor care at Stafford Hospital, would suffer ‘a life threatening illness’.
HSJ Local
CQC warns Mid Essex to improve urgent and emergency services
Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust
We need clarity around how competition law will affect new care models
The integration agenda
‘Cash is king again’: trust chiefs respond to Monitor letter
Trust leaders have told HSJ about their wide ranging concerns over the implications of a letter sent by regulators calling on them to take tough measures to improve their financial positions.
Leaders must give power to staff to secure lasting, tangible change
The key to successful leadership
Monitor: 'We are not telling trusts to stop hiring clinical staff'
Monitor has insisted it is “not telling trusts to stop recruiting clinical staff” in its letter to them outlining emergency measures to try to reduce their deficits.
HSJ Local
Manchester FT recruits 270 nurses from India to plug gaps
WORKFORCE: A major acute trust in Manchester has recruited more than 260 nurses from India as it tries to plug gaps in its workforce.
Ireland looks to tempt 500 nurses back home
Irish nurses and midwives working in the English NHS are being tempted to return home in a new campaign by the Irish Health Service Executive.
New study into impact of staffing levels on patient care
UK researchers are to begin a new study investigating how the provision of nurses in hospitals affects the care and safety of patients.
HSJ Local
Devo Manc leaders accept national regulation
REGULATION: Leaders of the Greater Manchester devolution project have accepted that national bodies such as Monitor will still be responsible for regulating NHS services in the region.
HSJ Local
Monitor could remove directors at financially stricken FT
PERFORMANCE: A London hospital trust that only gained foundation status in February has been threatened with leadership change following an investigation by Monitor.
NHS Improvement to establish succession plan for top 200 leaders
The new regulator NHS Improvement will develop a national succession programme for the top 200 provider and commissioner leadership posts in the NHS, including establishing a talent pool.
NICE makes U-turn over publishing safe staffing guidance
Plans to publish safe nurse staffing guidance for emergency departments have been abandoned in a U-turn by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.
HSJ Local
Trust chief executive to retire after 42 years in NHS
WORKFORCE: South Tees Hospitals Foundation Trust chief executive Tricia Hart is to retire.
HSJ Partners
Equality: If the system won't help, it's time for collective action
Women on NHS boards has fallen
Rose misses the chance to tackle bullying and inequality
Report is remarkable for what it doesn’t say
Exclusive: Hospitals fail to hit staffing targets despite recruitment drive
The ability of NHS acute trusts to employ sufficient numbers of nurses on hospital wards has worsened this year compared with 2014 despite record levels of recruitment, HSJ can reveal.