Workforce – Page 247
Test could create blacklist for 'unfit' NHS directors, lawyers warn
The fit and proper person test for healthcare directors could lead to the creation of an ‘informal blacklist’ of senior managers and put regulators at risk of legal challenge, senior lawyers have warned.
Monitor to bring consultancy work in-house
Monitor is seeking to save millions of pounds by beefing up its internal team of troubleshooters to reduce its reliance on consultants.
HSJ Knowledge
How turning around Northampton Hospital's failures inspired belief in a brighter future
How one failing trust’s turnaround has been sparked by some outside help
CQC to slow inspections amid staff pressures
The Care Quality Commission has scaled back its inspection ambitions for the rest of 2014-15 as it seeks to ease pressure on its hard pressed workforce and struggles to recruit enough high calibre staff.
HSJ Local
Staffordshire trust seeks 300 nurses from Europe
WORKFORCE: University Hospital of North Staffordshire is to recruit 300 nurses over the next year to help provide staffing at Stafford Hospital.
Staff sickness costs £1.5bn, NHS Employers claims
Sickness absence is costing the NHS around £1.5bn a year, NHS Employers has claimed as new analysis reveals that hospital managers and doctors have some of the lowest rates.
Exclusive: NHS England to cut hundreds of posts in restructure
NHS England is to cut hundreds of roles and is likely to carry out a major restructure of its area teams over the next nine months
HSJ Knowledge
Making research nurses feel part of the team
Get to the root of job dissatisfaction among specialist clinicians
David Dalton: Culture change takes commitment from all tiers of an organisation
Culture is the hardest part of organisational change
50 million patients 'will be turned away' by GPs
The number of times GP surgeries in England are forced to turn away patients for appointments next year will pass the 50 million mark, new research predicts.
CQC drags Grant Thornton into libel court case
The regulator has lodged a High Court claim against Grant Thornton in a bid to curb potential losses from its imminent legal clash with its former deputy chief executive
Department of Health to establish an anti-fraud unit
The Department of Health plans to establish its own fraud investigation function by poaching senior officers from NHS Protect, shrinking the national body’s size significantly as a result.
Local education and training posts at risk in HEE's cost cutting review
Education and training posts across the country could be axed as part of the second phase of Health Education England’s cost cutting reorganisation.
Unions ballot members for strike action over NHS pay
Three health unions have announced they are going to ballot their members for strike action over NHS pay.
Doctors urged to opt out of working week directive
The Department of Health has pledged to find ways to help more doctors opt out of the European working time directive, which the authority admits has led to rigid shift patterns and had a detrimental effect on training.
Drop in bans on hospital and care home workers
The Labour Party has voiced concern about a sharp drop in the numbers of people being barred from working with vulnerable adults in care homes and hospitals.
HSJ Local
Trust in lock-out dispute faces legal action
Trade union Unite has pledge to take legal action against Northampton General Hospital Trust after it locked out pathology staff following a contract dispute.
Agency costs jump £300m at foundation trusts
FTs saw the cost of agency and contract staff shoot up by £300m last year, according to their annual accounts