Workforce – Page 341
HSJ Local
NHS North Staffordshire identifies management capacity as risk
WORKFORCE: Management capacity has been identified as one of the most significant risks facing the PCT
HSJ Local
NHS Bradford and Airedale stepping up stress services
WORKFORCE: NHS Bradford and Airedale is extending stress and wellbeing services for staff in response to rising levels of stress-related absenses.
Monitor may pay private providers more
Private providers could be paid 14 per cent more than NHS competitors to encourage a fairer playing field, under changes in the Health Bill.
Row over ambulance staff wage cut claim
Up to £5,000 a year could be lost from frontline ambulance staff wages as part of a drive to cut costs, union officials have claimed.
1,600 job cuts criticised by Unison
Union leaders have attacked plans to cut 1,600 posts at a Midlands trust, warning it could lead to a possible repeat of the hospital scandal that led to hundreds of avoidable deaths.
NHS reforms 'risk patient backlash'
An influential health think tank has warned that the proposed radical changes to the NHS could turn patients against GPs because doctors are likely to start receiving “unpalatable” cash bonuses.
Trusts battle for right to absorb smaller non-FTs
Two London hospital trusts, one of which is struggling with a large private finance initiative, are competing to swallow up two smaller trusts.
HSJ Local
Nottingham University Hospitals Trust spending £3.6m more than plan on pay
FINANCE: Nottingham University Hospitals Trust is reporting an adverse variance on pay expenditure against plan of £3.602m.
Bill could lead to 'dilution' of pensions benefits
Monitor could push for the value of NHS pensions to be reduced under the terms of the Health Bill.
Redundancy payouts to average £48,000
The average NHS employee being made redundant as a result of attempts to strip out management costs is on a £32,000 salary and can expect a £48,000 payout, the impact assessment to yesterday’s bill reveals.
HSJ Knowledge
Top tips for carrying out employment screening
Telling lies or omitting facts in a job application for a job in the City may lead to huge financial losses. For jobs in healthcare the consequences could be catastrophic.
National board will hire consortia leads and guide pay
The NHS commissioning board will approve the leaders of consortia – and issue guidance to limit how much they are paid, the health bill suggests.
'Stalinist' controls grip expiring SHAs
The Department of Health has handed the NHS a set of 116 performance measures and 24 further priorities for 2011-12, as its “Stalinist controls” on the transition process become clear.
Noel Plumridge: SHAs need to decide their priorities, and soon
One of the more dramatic parts of the 2011-12 operating framework is the withholding, by strategic health authorities, of 2 per cent of primary care trust funding.
PCT directors warned over cluster job conditions
Primary care trust directors are being warned not to move into new cluster roles without firm assurances about pay and job descriptions.
Increment deal 'still on the table' as Employers meets with unions
NHS Employers is meeting with unions today to discuss the rejected proposal to freeze pay increments and avoid compulsory redundancies.
Minister fires warning shot over cuts to PCT public health posts
Public health minister Anne Milton has told primary care trusts not to cut public health capacity, ahead of their transfer to local authorities as part of the government’s health reforms.
HSJ Knowledge
No time to be reining in training
Public sector austerity is not an excuse to cut back on training and appraisals but a reason to forge ahead with them and make organisations stronger, writes Alison Moore
Consultants highlight hidden costs of NHS white paper
Plans to ramp up commercialisation in the NHS will lead to more money being paid out in overtime as trusts are unable to plan for the future, consultants have warned.
‘System weaknesses’ expose trusts to staff and patient fraud
NHS trusts exposed themselves to more than 500 actual and potential fraud risks over a six month period, an unpublished analysis has revealed.