Workforce – Page 353
DH consults on prescribing powers in community services
The Department of Health is consulting on whether physiotherapists and podiatrists should be given prescribing powers.
Welsh NHS faces savings challenge
Managers in the Welsh NHS have said making £380 million of savings by April next year is the biggest challenge they have faced in two decades.
60 management jobs axed
The latest round of cuts in the NHS will see almost 60 health managers and administrators in Durham lose their jobs, it has been reported.
IT job opportunities slump in public sector
Just 4% of new computer-related jobs currently being created were in the public sector following a series of spending cuts by the government, according to a new study.
How to leave your job
If you are due to leave your job, whether for a new role or retirement, voluntary or compulsory redundancy, it’s essential to deal well with the practical, professional and personal issues around your departure.
HSJ Knowledge
How to master public speaking
NHS leaders have a lot of talking to do now and public speaking on any scale is easier when you energise your voice and your convictions, says Richard Tyler
Government urged to scrap pensions 'fair deal'
Charity leaders have urged the government to scrap pension rules for outsourced workers they say will bar people from getting the best deal from public services.
NHS managers to be offered pay-offs in return for jobs
Managers will have until the end of October to decide whether to sacrifice their job in return for a lump sum pay-off, HSJ has learned.
Trusts not meeting equality requirements
More than 90 per cent of NHS organisations could be failing to meet their legal requirements to publish equality documents, a consultancy firm has warned.
Ex Cornwall chief exec wins £1.2m compensation
The former chief executive of Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust has been awarded £1.2m in compensation for unfair dismissal over whistleblowing.
HSJ Knowledge
How to set up a mutual organisation
Mutual ventures offer ways to make use of the health white paper’s business opportunities, says Mark Johnson
HSJ Knowledge
How to lead through transition
NHS chief executive Sir David Nicholson said recently that managers have performed “heroics” over the past few years and made the NHS a much better service.
GP and midwife vacancies rising
The NHS is finding filling vacancies for GPs and midwives in England tougher than for any other job within the public healthcare sector, figures have revealed.
Bid to avert health driver strikes
Last-ditch talks will be held today to resolve a dispute over plans to privatise the work of health staff who drive patients to and from hospitals.
Lansley attacks 'damage morale and independence'
Ministers have been accused of undermining NHS managers’ independence and morale with public attacks on their work.
CQC tells United Lincs to improve on dignity and workforce support
An acute trust has been told to improve standards on quality and safety following an unannounced inspection by the Care Quality Commission.
Bids deadline nears for PCT social enterprises
Primary care trusts wanting their provider arms to become social enterprises will have to get their bids in by the end of next month, HSJ has learnt.
Consultant spending under fire
The media reported en masse government figures revealing the NHS spent more than £300m on management consultants last year, though not all pointed out that it represented less than half of 1 per cent of the service’s budget.
Dithering trusts increase their staff agency bills
Acute trusts are inadvertently increasing staffing costs and reducing patient safety through indecision over whether to employ bank staff, according to a report seen by HSJ.
Trust urged to improve quality and safety standards
United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust has been urged by the Care Quality Commission to improve several areas, including safeguarding people from abuse, amid concerns it does not meet quality and safety standards.