Workforce – Page 357
Government selects CQC chair
The government has selected a permanent chair for the Care Quality Commission.
HSJ Knowledge
New ambulance transfer service
A good example of successful integration of public and private resourcing of the NHS is the new Intermediate Care Ambulance Transfer Service introduced for hospitals in central London in April.
HSJ Knowledge
Delivering Quality and Value across Musculoskeletal Pathways
A business critical briefing from HSJ’s Delivering Quality and Value across Musculoskeletal Pathways conference
HSJ Knowledge
Delivering Quality and Value across Musculoskeletal Pathways - conference sessions
A business critical briefing from HSJ’s Delivering Quality and Value across Musculoskeletal Pathways conference
HSJ Knowledge
How New Labour changed NHS management culture
Deep shifts in management team culture may be Labour’s most enduring legacy to the NHS, says Russell Mannion.
HSJ Knowledge
How to develop NHS workforce mentoring
In the second of two articles on effective mentoring relationships, Ben Chambers looks at the skills needed by the mentor and mentee
Nicky Spencer on making your career your business
Inspiration on steering your career through a recession is peculiarly sparse. But by applying the plethora of business advice to your career you can create some useful tips.
Trust praised for career programme
A scheme helping NHS support staff work towards professional qualifications has been recognised at an awards ceremony.
NHS Confederation calls for strong local leadership
The government’s plans to abolish PCTs is likely to set in motion a talent drain from the organisations, the NHS Confederation has warned.
Investigation reveals PCTs hardest hit by savings
An HSJ investigation has revealed the clearest national picture to date of the primary care trusts being hit hardest by NHS management savings.
SHA and PCT jobs crisis ahead
Tens of thousands of staff in primary care trusts and strategic health authorities will lose their jobs in the next four years.
NHS Kingston gains permission for social enterprise
The provider arm of NHS Kingston is to become a social enterprise on 1 August after two years of planning.
HSJ Knowledge
Book Review: Switch: How to change things when change is hard
Few ways to change are as relevant to the NHS, says Emma Stanton
NHS staff to find out if their jobs are at risk by September
NHS staff facing potential redundancy or a change in their roles as a result of the government’s reform plans will be informed by the end of September.
Exclusive survey: HSJ readers unenthused by white paper
Over 55 per cent of primary care trust staff involved in commissioning fear they will lose their jobs as a result of the NHS white paper, an HSJ snap survey has revealed.
HSJ Knowledge
How to develop workforce mentoring programmes
In the first of two articles Ben Chambers on effective mentoring, Ben Chambers looks at how to establish a successful mentoring scheme
Pete Mason on how the government can achieve its goals for the NHS
The government’s health policy can broadly be judged as logical and appropriate to the challenges ahead, but several areas need to be addressed for the strategy to achieve its goals - and it will take some time to bed down.
Hospital infection controls criticised
A hospital has been told to improve its infection control standards by health inspectors who made 16 requirements for change.
HSJ Knowledge
Commissioning and strategic priorities
World class commissioning requires robust decision making by commissioners linked to the strategic priorities of the PCT. Pat Williams explains how Wolverhampton City PCT is achieving this.
Just one in six CQC staff think regulator is well managed
Only 16 per cent of the Care Quality Commission’s employees think it is well managed, internal staff survey results leaked to HSJ reveal.