Workforce – Page 362
HSJ Knowledge
Book Review: Vital Conversations
If a topic can’t be avoided here are tips on getting talking, says Rachel Hooke
Managers fear World Cup impact
The World Cup could cost the British economy up to £1bn in lost production as staff take time off to follow the tournament, a report has warned.
Millions spent on NHS bonuses in Scotland - Lib Dems
Millions of pounds were spent on NHS bonuses in Scotland last year, the Liberal Democrats have said.
Great Ormond Street chief faces calls to quit
A letter of no confidence calling for the resignation of the boss at Great Ormond Street Hospital has been signed by more than 40 consultants, according to the BBC.
Cumbrian ambulance staff offered counselling
Ambulance staff who attended the crime scenes after the shootings in west Cumbria will be offered a counselling service to cope with the aftermath of the event, the ambulance service said.
Pete Mason on the dangers of NHS strategy secrets
Ask the three people nearest to you in your workplace if they can clearly state what your organisation stands for and is trying to achieve. If they can articulate it, is the answer consistent from person to person?
HSJ Knowledge
Meet your organisation's economic challenges through ‘collective difference’
Trusts that embrace diversity in their recruitment and staff development will be the best placed to meet the economic challenges, says Rob McCargow
ASBO issued to patient who faked illness
A homeless man with over 70 aliases, who became an expert at faking illness so he could gain overnight admittance to hospitals, was issued with a three year criminal ASBO.
Scotland NHS cuts 'will overstretch workforce'
Cuts to the NHS in Scotland could lead to a overstretched and demoralised workforce, health service unions have said.
HSJ Knowledge
Your redundancy rescue plan
Part two in our look at job loss explains how - when the initial shock has passed - it can be an opportunity to advance your career, as Michael Moran explains
Short GP appointment times 'hit diagnostic ability', survey claims
Doctors are struggling to diagnose patients because appointment times are too short, a survey of 200 GPs suggests.
Mark Britnell on increasing NHS productivity
The new health secretary, Andrew Lansley, has already gone on public record to suggest that £15-20bn in efficiency savings may be needed.
Barnett's resignation prompts call for strong NHS Confederation
Managers are urging the NHS Confederation to ensure it provides the health service with a strong, independent voice following the resignation of chief executive Steve Barnett.
We need the NHS Confederation – now here’s the sort of leader that it needs
Steve Barnett’s resignation as the chief executive of the NHS Confederation is a cause for sadness - he is a well-liked man - but it is also an opportunity.
McKinsey report: unthinkable solutions set scene for NHS cuts
What lies behind the governments’s decision to publish the McKinsey report into NHS cost savings this week?
Steve Preston on NHS employee engagement
What is employee engagement? There are many views on this buzzword. A simple definition is “a result that is achieved by stimulating and directing employees’ enthusiasm for their work and directing it toward organisational success”.
HSJ Knowledge
Book Review: Mindsight
Achieving and spreading well-being is a practical skill, says Edna Crosby
Scottish patients to be assessed by nurses to increase productivity
Controversial proposals have been announced that will see patients in Scotland assessed by nurses instead of consultants in a bid to achieve targets for NHS waiting times.
HSJ Knowledge
Leadership and management training
The quality of management and leadership remains the single biggest factor as to whether organisations succeed or not.
Patients 'endangered by shift work'
The practice of shift-working for doctors is likely to endanger patient safety, a report by BMA Scotland has said.