Workforce – Page 378
NHS Tower Hamlets chair moves to Barts
Barts and the London Trust has appointed Stephen O’Brien as its new interim chair.
NHS South East improves on race equality
A race equality review by NHS South East Coast has found the plight of black and minority ethnic staff is improving but there is still much work to be done.
DH urged to put off Monitor search
The Department of Health should wait until a new government is in place before appointing a permanent Monitor chair, the organisation representing foundation trusts has said.
Hospital staff strike over pay and conditions
More than 250 cleaners, porters and cooks have staged a 48-hour strike at an NHS trust in Devon over implementation of Agenda for Change terms and conditions.
DH appoints first clinical director for informatics
The Department of Health has appointed Charles Gutteridge as its first national clinical director for informatics.
HSJ Knowledge
NHS bullying
Dr Malcolm Lewis, Senior Lectuerer in Health Service Management at UCLAN, gives his opinion on the issue of workplace bullying within the NHS and reflects on the ‘depressing picture’ his research reveals (DAWN, 2010).
HSJ Knowledge
Workforce efficiency assessment
Managing staff working patterns in order that there are enough staff to do a job safely whilst providing high quality care to patients without over-staffing is a complex business.
HSJ Knowledge
International recruitment
With a shortage of healthcare staff in the UK, overseas-trained professionals play a vital role in the NHS.
HSJ Knowledge
Nursing standards
In September 2010 the Nursing and Midwifery Council launched their standards for pre-registration nursing education.
Ken Jarrold: what is the future of NHS regulation?
The row about regulation did not come at a good time for the NHS and it raises some profound questions. Just how likely is it that self assessment will be objective? How many of us have the capacity to see ourselves, our performance and the world around us as it ...
HSJ Knowledge
Turn around destructive behaviour at work
With cost cutting and competition for resources, it is easy for negative attitudes to prevail and productivity to suffer. That downward workplace spiral can be reversed by following four simple steps, say Phil Bardzil and Shelly Rubinstein
HSJ Knowledge
How to make clinical commissioning work
In Kent, clinicians and managers are working together as teams to concentrate expertise on specific clinical areas
NHS Direct appoints permanent chair
The acting chair of NHS Direct has had her position made permanent after 20 months in the job.
Two primary care trusts awarded teaching status
Two primary care trusts have been awarded teaching trust status.
NHS Top Leaders: cream of the crop rises to the top
The Top Leaders programme is nearly ready to finish identifying the leaders it believes have the greatest potential to make an impact on care in the NHS
Jon Restell: could the NHS ever be like this?
People tell me I am good at predictions, so here is my month by month forecast for 2010.
HSJ Knowledge
A quality shift in staff rostering
Software that allocates staff safely and appropriately while helping to meet their shift preferences is also helping to save trusts’ money. Jennifer Taylor logs on
Michael White on public spending
There was a cynical chuckle in the Commons during the pre-Budget Report when Alistair Darling told MPs “we take these decisions from a position of strength”. What decisions? Why, cuts in the public spending deficit, of course.