Workforce – Page 382
Jenny Rogers on managing your manager
While millions of words are routinely given to the topic of managing subordinates, relatively few are ever devoted to how to manage upwards.
HSJ Knowledge
How to spot the NHS leaders of the future
With budget pressures escalating, organisations need to identify those worth developing as tomorrow’s leaders. Mike Hay explains the best way to do this
Hospital cleaning firm managers arrested in blackmail probe
Police have raided the office of an NHS hospital cleaning company in south west London, arresting three senior managers on suspicion of blackmailing foreign members of staff.
Trusts target staff sickness to save money
Trusts are making radical changes to pay and allowances to try to reduce costs and increase productivity without deviating from Agenda for Change.
No link found between FT chiefs’ pay rises and performance
There is no link between pay increases awarded to foundation trust chief executives and how much performance improves at their organisations, an analysis of public data claims to reveal.
Don’t apologise for executive pay – but you must explain it
Managers’ pay is now under continual scrutiny. This week’s contribution comes from consultancy Hay Group, which has given HSJ an analysis of salary data which it says shows there is no link between pay rises and performance for foundation trust chief executives.
Clinical improvements could save NHS £9bn a year
The NHS could save more than £9bn in a year if trusts improved their performance in just eight “high impact” clinical areas, the chief nursing officer for England has said.
Jon Restell: NHS managers on the ropes
Everyone I talk to assumes that managers in the health service must be sweating.
Could a swine flu surge see a slump in targets?
A sustained outbreak of swine flu will put any region’s critical care services under pressure and a pandemic could have national consequences on workforce and resources. Will normal targets survive the winter unscathed? Alison Moore reports
Doctor licensing requirement comes into force
Doctors in the UK must be licensed as well as registered with the General Medical Council following changes introduced this week.
Future NHS chief execs 'put off' by TV dramas
Young people may be discouraged from pursuing careers in the NHS by watching TV hospital dramas full of staff acting unprofessionally, the new chief executive of Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust has said.
HSJ Knowledge
Book Review: The Project Manager
This book tells all about how to see a project through, says George Absi
150 NHS staff attacked every day
More than 150 NHS staff are attacked every day during their work, according to latest figures.
Rose Gibb wins full right to appeal compensation claim
Rose Gibb has won the right to a full appeal hearing on her claim for compensation against her former employer, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust.
HSJ Knowledge
Increasing NHS organisational productivity and efficiency
Is your organisation struggling to reduce costs while maintaining or even improving the quality of services? The current economic climate means the focus is now on spending smarter, investing for the future and delivering results.
Managers open to accusations of 'job hopping'
Senior NHS managers are laying themselves open to accusations of lack of commitment by “job hopping”, according to Royal College of Nursing chief executive Peter Carter.
Ken Jarrold on motivating NHS managers
The latest annual health check ratings raise some important and difficult questions. It is time to think again about performance management.
HSJ Knowledge
Talent development: achieving mental toughness
In these demanding times talent development has a powerful tool at its disposal, says Judith Krichefski
NHS chief quits job to save cash
The joint chief executive of NHS Coventry is leaving his current job share to lead a government cost-cutting drive.
Nursing to become degree only profession
The government has rubber stamped plans for nursing in England to become a degree only profession