Workforce – Page 390
Managers 'struggling to win trust'
Senior managers in large public sectors organisations are failing to win the trust of their employees, a new study has found.
Non-executives appointed to Newcastle PCT's board
Two positions on the board of Newcastle primary care trust have been filled with re-appointed non-executive directors.
Fraudulent NHS finance director is struck off
A former NHS finance chief jailed for forging his trust’s valuation reports has been struck off by his professional body.
HSJ Knowledge
Book Review: 54 Approaches to Organisational Healing
You will find this book especially valuable if you are working in an environment where change has often been tried but failed again and again and where employees are apathetic and cynical as a result.
Jenny Rogers on NHS teams without leaders
With redundancies on the horizon and the exhortation to “strip out layers of bureaucracy”, what do you bet that we will see the resurgence of “self managing teams” and “flat hierarchy” as the solution to all NHS management ills?
HSJ Knowledge
Swine flu: lessons from the first wave of the pandemic
From managing masks to shaping public messages, staff in flu hotspots have plenty of advice for trusts braced for an autumn surge in cases. By Jennifer Taylor
HSJ Knowledge
Integrated care: pride of the community
District nurses embody the high quality workforce envisioned by Darzi, but the sector lacks the commitment to attract new nurses to this 150 year old service, says Daloni Carlisle
Media Watch: sick leave row
The news that some of the health service’s most poorly paid staff get an “overly generous” deal while on sick leave during the recession was the focus of the media spotlight in some quarters this week.
Michael White on NHS consultancy costs
Spare a thought for our ex-junior health minister, Ivan Lewis.
DH backs oncology centres call
The Department of Health has asked all hospitals with emergency departments in England to establish acute oncology services following a recommendation from the national chemotherapy advisory group.
Final salary pensions face axe
Millions of public sector workers will have their pensions slashed under plans to deal with the shortfall in local government pension funds, says The Times
Swine flu pandemic: PCTs must prepare to pay extra GP costs
Primary care trusts must be prepared to pick up the tab for extra GP services during an escalation of the swine flu pandemic, the Department of Health has warned.
NHS maternity services overstretched, say Tories
Almost 4,000 women in England gave birth in locations other than a designated hospital labour bed in 2008 - a 15 per cent increase over the previous year, new figures reveal.
Bonuses for healthy NHS staff attract lukewarm reception
Calls to incorporate managers’ support for employees’ health and wellbeing in bonuses and promotions have received a lukewarm reception from NHS Employers.
Inflated mileage claims 'cost NHS millions'
The NHS is overpaying millions of pounds in expenses and mileage claims, a software company claims.
Ken Jarrold on sharing the economic pain
Max du Pre, the American industrialist influenced by Robert Greenleaf’s idea of the “servant leader”, said that servant leadership is, among other things, about bearing not inflicting pain.
NHS maternity services 'suffering from lack of board engagement'
Senior midwives and obstetricians are concerned about a lack of board engagement with maternity services, a King’s Fund report said this week.
HSJ Knowledge
How to commission for equality and diversity in the NHS
Collecting ethnicity data and engaging with the range of communities will help the NHS address health inequalities and meet its statutory requirements, says Caroline White
HSJ Knowledge
Career development
In the calls made for an increase in the quantity, quality and capability of clinical leaders there is a fundamental challenge. How to bridge the gap between clinical training and developing clinical leadership capacity for the future?
HSJ Knowledge
Advanced practitioners
As part of a wider programme of workforce modernisation in the North West, NHS organisations identified the need to develop the advanced practitioner role in 2005.