Workforce – Page 391
Out of hours care must be reviewed, says Royal College of GPs chair
The use of overseas doctors to cover out of hours and weekend care must be reviewed due to potential safety issues, according to GP leaders.
HSJ Knowledge
Get under the skin of nursing’s real costs
The Royal College of Nursing’s briefing on payment by results stresses the need to understand individuals’ contribution to costs and quality, says Jennifer Taylor
HSJ Knowledge
Extreme operations: a day in the life of NHS staff serving in Afghanistan
Fantastic facilities, intensively trained staff and copious quantities of blood are all in a day’s work for NHS staff serving in Afghanistan. And the health service could gain more from their new skills. Nick Golding reports
NHS sickness study 'should not be used to beat staff'
Unison has rejected a study that suggests the annual sickness levels among NHS staff is having a negative impact on patient care.
Too many NHS staff in sickness and in health
The NHS is doing too little to address the annual loss of 10.3 million working days through sickness.
Chief resigns from £1.8m deficit hospital
The chief executive of a foundation trust in the South West has resigned. Dorset County Hospital foundation trust said Jan Bergman had “decided to retire early to pursue a career outside the NHS”.
Sheila Williams on cognitive dissonance
Why do many people continue to smoke, even though research shows they are shortening their own lives? Smokers might say “well, I’ve tried to quit so many times and it’s just too hard”, or “it keeps me calm and stress free and besides, I really enjoy it”. Welcome to the ...
HSJ Knowledge
How to support NHS staff through retirement
Preparing employees for their retirement is good practice – and so is recognising that some staff will offer a valuable resource after they have retired, reports Stuart Shepherd
Cally Bann on winter pressures
Good news: we’ve just managed to close the winter pressure beds. Even better: the summer theatre closure programme has kicked in.
NHS management stars need a leg-up to rise to the top
There is no shortage of ambitious senior managers in the NHS, so why is it so difficult to fill top posts? Charlotte Santry studied regional talent and leadership plans for clues
Noel Plumridge on NHS cash in a cold climate
£15bn - the “efficiency savings” the NHS is being asked to make over the coming three year cycle - is an unimaginably huge sum of money.
Raising NHS staff wellbeing can ‘save trusts millions’
Trusts could save millions of pounds while improving patient outcomes through “simple” measures to improve the health and wellbeing of their employees, a major study has found.
HSJ Knowledge
Book Review: The Leader’s Edge
Learn to see how you project yourself to your colleagues, says James Potter
A third say no party could run NHS
Almost one in three people think none of the major political parties is capable of running the NHS, a survey has revealed.
DH director of immunisation tells nurses they have a 'duty' to have swine flu jab
The Department of Health’s director of immunisation has said nurses have a responsibility to be vaccinated against swine flu, after a survey by HSJ’s sister title Nursing Times revealed one third of frontline nurses do not want the jab.
Swine flu hotline staff 'viewing NHS records'
Reports suggest NHS staff records and disciplinary complaints could be accessed by workers manning the government’s swine flu hotline, according to the Mail on Sunday.
NHS admin staff costing PCTs £1.2bn, say Tories
The NHS spent £1.2bn on administrative and clerical staff last year, compared with £700m on cancer drugs, according to the Tories.
Variation shows NHS community services ripe for efficiencies
Huge variations in the working practices of primary care trust provider arms are masking large potential efficiency savings.
NHS patient safety hotline delayed
A “key element” in the drive to improve patient safety - Patient Safety Direct - has been delayed until next summer, despite ministerial assurances that it would be in place last year.
NHS tolerates poor performance, say managers
One in four NHS managers believes underperformance is tolerated in their organisation, according to data seen by HSJ.