Workforce – Page 405
Chief executives picked to lead integrated Welsh NHS
Six chief executives have been appointed to lead the NHS in Wales as it takes a further stride away from the English system.
Dental surgeries could extend opening hours
Primary care trusts are to begin a £150m procurement process which could see dental surgeries opening outside normal hours.
NHS culture stifling innovation, Confed warns
The NHS is stifling innovation through an organisational culture that places barriers in the way of staff with good ideas, the NHS Confederation has warned.
Agenda for Change is helping NHS be a 'progressive employer'
An independent study of Agenda for Change has found no evidence that the pay system discriminates against any staff group.
Rose Gibb judgement ends era of pay-offs
NHS managers could increasingly turn to employment tribunals with the rights and wrongs of their dismissals debated in public after Rose Gibb lost her claim for breach of contract, her union leader has warned.
Rose Gibb: what the judge said about Maidstone and the SHA
Rose Gibb said after the judgement: “This matter has been difficult for all parties and there can be no winners.” Read what the judge, Mr Justice Treacy, had to say about those involved.
What does the Rose Gibb judgement mean for chief executives?
Employment experts tell HSJ what difference the judgement will make to NHS chief executives.
Involving junior doctors in implementing the European working time directive
The involvement of junior doctors in implementing changes to working hours in the UK is not a new concept. Going back to the 1990s, the regional task forces on junior doctors’ working hours, charged with the responsibility of implementing the new deal, often included junior doctor medical advisers.
Rose Gibb judgement 'draws a line under tragic episode'
NHS South East Coast has welcomed the High Court judgement against Rose Gibb, former chief executive of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust.
Managers in Partnership 'disappointed' with Rose Gibb judgement
Managers in Partnership, Rose Gibb’s trade union, today said it was disappointed with the High Court decision not to uphold her claim for breach of contract.
DH response to Rose Gibb case: chief executives must be held to account
The Department of Health has welcomed the judgement in the Rose Gibb case, in which former chief executive Rose Gibb lost her claim against Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust for breach of contract.
Rose Gibb judgement is 'the right decision', says Maidstone chief
The chief executive of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust has welcomed the High Court judgement that it did not breach its former chief executive Rose Gibb’s contract.
Shock Rose Gibb court judgement
Rose Gibb has lost her claim against Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust for breach of contract.
NHS bodies forced to reveal gender pay gap
NHS organisations will be forced to reveal the salaries paid to male and female staff under legislation published today.
HSJ Knowledge
Put co-ordinators at the heart of organ donation
The NHS has been challenged with upping organ donation. Stuart Shepherd looks at the vital role transplant co-ordinators can play in meeting this ambition
DH seeks fresh leadership talent for adult social care
Plans to create “new cadres of leadership talent” for adult social care have been set out by the Department of Health.
HSJ Knowledge
Can health trainers reduce poor health?
Can members of the public with few skills but a lot of life experience really make a difference to the health of their community? Mark Gould reports on a truly local approach
Latest NHS chief departure sparks fears of diminishing talent pool
Fears of a “diminishing pool” of NHS leadership talent have reached a critical point after one chief executive was sacked and another became the latest to resign his post.
Royal Free must replace Andrew Way
The Royal Free Hampstead trust will be looking for a strong - and possibly brave - candidate to replace departing chief executive Andrew Way.
Budget confirms that clinicians must accept responsibility for managing money
The arid financial landscape for the health service confirmed in yesterday’s Budget means the days of clinicians avoiding responsibility for managing money are over.