Workforce – Page 435
DH appoints new transplant czar
The Department of Health has appointed Chris Rudge as the new clinical director for transplant.
DH to host talks on Modernising Medical Careers
The Department of Health has written a letter about opportunities for doctors to attend discussions on Modernising Medical Careers.
Enhanced protection for medical staff
Enhanced protections for NHS staff in Scotland will come into force this week.
Unions agree plans for managing sickness absence
A new set of arrangements to help manage sickness absence and ill-health retirement in the NHS have been agreed by NHS Employers and NHS trade unions.
HSJ Knowledge
Making workforce development work
Problems with workforce planning in the NHS can be overcome, as one initiative has shown. Kevin Elliston explains
Training for the third age: responding to the needs of an ageing workforce
As the country's workforce ages, employers and employees must dispense with the notion that some members of staff are too old for training and development
HSJ Partners
Putting drug and alcohol national occupational standards into practice
Many workers - not just professionals in the substance misuse field - come into contact with people with drug problems. Whether they are hospital receptionists, youth workers or community support officers, they need the right skills and knowledge to carry out their work.
Junior doctors on understaffed rotas, says BMA
Three in 10 junior doctors are working on understaffed rotas, according to a survey by the British Medical Association.
Ali Mohammed on staff surveys
Do you care what your staff think of working for your trust? Should you care? It is that time of year when we all receive our annual staff and patient survey results.
HSJ Knowledge
Do new patterns of learning produce employable graduates?
Employers of allied health professionals welcome applicants from flexible training routes, say Rupert Kerrell and colleagues
Practices' minimum income is a guarantee of health inequity
Figures obtained byHSJ this week reveal huge variations in the amount GP practices are paid for doing their job, regardless of how many patients they serve or the severity of their needs.
Corporate manslaughter: you could be in the dock
From 6 April NHS organisations could be prosecuted for corporate manslaughter if someone dies in their care, but different interpretations of the law mean trusts may be unclear about their responsibilities. Ingrid Torjesen attempts to unravel the new actFor more in-depth information about the act, register for HSJ’s free corporate ...
Jon Restell on valuing all frontline staff
I have had the people who work in general practice on my mind recently. At this time of especially heightened clinical engagement, it is easier than ever to forget that good healthcare is delivered by teams.
Panel saves services at Horton Hospital
The independent reconfiguration panel has advised the health secretary to reject Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals trust's proposals to downgrade paediatric, gynaecological and obstetric services at Horton Hospital because it would not provide an accessible or improved service for local people.
Huge variation in GP practice pay regardless of size of list
Figures obtained by HSJ reveal the extent to which the national GP contract has driven inequity across the country, with huge variations in payments to practices, regardless of the number and need of their patients.
HSJ Knowledge
Recipes for organisational success
High-performing organisations - inside and outside the NHS - have a number of management techniques in common, explains Paul Allen
Care as a career: raising the public perception
The public's view of caring as a profession is often negative, but this can be changed by bringing people closer to the realities of this work at its best, argues Helen Joy
Alison Irving on life after the health service
A long, fulfilling career in the NHS can prepare you for things you never thought possible, as one former manager explains
Coaching: ready to speak out
Dorothy Larios continues our coaching series with a look at how she worked with a hospital-based commissioner
David Amos on directing talent
2008 could be the year that the widespread development of talented frontline staff and the spotting of potential senior staff takes centre stage in the NHS.