Workforce – Page 452
HSJ Knowledge
Lean thinking: what does it take?
Lean thinking and six sigma have a long history in GE Healthcare and this experience is helping develop future leaders and drive change in NHS trusts.
Some HR managers need to brush up on the law
Regarding the article 'Thousands of doctors may be working illegally', I am not surprised the human resources manager quoted asked not to be named, as in my opinion remedial training in employment law basics would certainly be indicated for this individual, with particular reference to laws passed since 1996, says ...
HSJ Knowledge
The real workforce
What kind of health workforce will England need in 2022? Sandra Dawson and colleagues looked to the future and saw a key role for informal carers
HSJ Knowledge
Ali Mohammed on talking and listening
It had been a long sunny day in Brighton and as I walked into our secretarial support office, sleeves rolled up and tie removed, my PA suggested out of concern that I was looking hot. The cheeky side of me came to the fore and I suggested that she wasn’t ...
Thousands of doctors may be working illegally
Human resources managers are becoming increasingly worried about the number of junior doctors still working without contracts.
Mystery over sudden exit of Barnet chief executive
The interim chief executive of Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health trust has left after less than three months in the job, HSJ has learned.
How can we stop chief executives' rush to quit with a golden handshake?
While experienced chief executives can be paid off even after gross misconduct, first-timers are often persuaded to take reputation-damaging jobs at failing trusts. Neither is acceptable - the health service needs to take more care of its talent, says Nigel Edwards
West Herts chief steps down in wake of attacks from three local MPs
West Hertfordshire Hospitals trust chief executive David Law has resigned following the trust's poor annual health check performance.
HSJ Knowledge
Staff engagement: getting it right
After 18 months running the out-of-hours GP service in Cornwall, services company Serco has learned some valuable lessons about training and staff engagement
HSJ Knowledge
Paul Allen on the will to succeed
Sports psychology teaches us that a positive attitude and self-belief are the keys to success
Sickness absence consultation begins
NHS Employers and NHS trade unions have today jointly launched a three-month consultation on proposals to manage an integrated approach for staff sickness absence and ill-health retirement in the NHS.
ill health
Trusts will take on a greater financial burden when workers retire early due to ill health, under proposals launched this week by NHS Employers and trade unions. A three-month consultation is taking place on the proposals, which aim to give employers greater incentives for reducing sickness absence and ill health ...
HSJ Knowledge
David Amos on the Wanless report
Six years have passed since the publication of Sir Derek Wanless's interim report on the long-term view for the NHS. What has changed since then?
HSJ Knowledge
Raising organisational energy
Raising energy levels by just a small amount can yield great results for organisations, says Rupert Symons
HSJ Knowledge
Kate Silvester on managing staff, not parenting them
In a hierarchical NHS, how can managers help create a world of equals where everyone contributes?
Scots NHS24
The troubled Scottish telephone helpline NHS 24 has lost its third boss in three years, this time after less than six months in post. Sandy Forrest, a former deputy police constable, stepped down last week. A statement said he had joined NHS 24 with a number of external commitments and ...
NHS Together gears up for day of action
NHS Together, the umbrella health service trade union group, has launched an 'I ♥ NHS' campaign, with a day of action scheduled for 3 November.
NHS chief executive moots royal college to groom future leaders
The quality of managers is the biggest potential barrier to creating a world-leading health service, the chief executive of the NHS has warned.
Media Watch: Rose Gibb special
There's nothing the media likes more than an easy target and this week's was Rose Gibb, formerly chief executive of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust, aka 'the dirtiest hospital in England'.
In-house HR may have no future in the NHS
In-house human resources may have no future in the NHS, a management expert has claimed.