Workforce – Page 458

  • News

    Ambulance trusts eligible for foundation status


    Health minister Andy Burnham has announced that ambulance trusts will be able to apply for foundation trust status from 1 April 2009. He also announced that a medal has been created to honour NHS ambulance workers.

  • News

    New appointment for NHS London


    Dr Simon Tanner has been appointed the new director of public health for NHS London.

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    Judicial review over GP pensions


    The British Medical Association has been granted a judicial review over the decision to limit the pensions of GPs.

  • News

    New female doctors outnumber men


    Figures released by the British Medical Association show that, among doctors embarking on careers in the NHS in 2006, women outnumber men by almost three to two.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New offerings on the CSIP website


    The Care Services Improvement Partnership has expanded its website. It now provides.updates on all key areas of work - including how to increase direct payments uptake for people with learning disabilities and news on the new psychological therapies pilot sites.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Lessons learned in out-of-hours care


    A successful out-of-hours care service relies on careful planning, a strong network of support for staff and a clear understanding of patient needs, explains John Harrison

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Amos on stellar communications


    'Meetings, forums, networks, committees, workshops, seminars, boards, conferences - all are labels for the continual gatherings that occupy the precious time. Effective communications underpin whether these hour-guzzling interactions match their purpose'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Have skills, will travel


    Overseas healthcare volunteering has long been seen as the preserve of medics and nurses - but managers are in high demand.

  • News

    Minority recruitment key to patient care


    Recruiting more people from black and ethnic minority communities would improve patient care, increase skills and cut costs, according to a report by the Department of Health Race for Health programme.

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    Unison debate on pay strike


    Health union Unison will use an emergency debate at its national conference in Brighton tomorrow to call for strike action in response to what it calls a 'miserly' pay settlement.

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    New guidance on promoting equality in procurement


    The Department of Health has issued new good practice guidance on promoting equality in procurement.

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    Health visitor role under review


    Health visitors should lead and deliver a renewed child health promotion programme and provide intensive early intervention and prevention for families most in need of help, according to a review of the role.

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    Health managers receive birthday honours


    A number of senior managers and leaders in the health service have received honours in the Queen's birthday honours.

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    Connecting for Health chief quits


    Chief executive of NHS Connecting for Health Richard Granger has announced that he plans to quit his post to return to the private sector.

  • News

    Practice-based commissioning: a potent remedy


    Look at the positive elements and get practice-based commissioning rolling, urge Michael Dixon and colleagues

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Helen Bevan on freeing up your time


    'The leaders we studied typically spent 70 per cent of their working lives in meetings. Yet only 36 per cent of attendees made a significant contribution to the meetings'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Myth-buster: staff famine


    In the second of a new series, Stephen Black challenges another NHS untruth

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Jenny Rogers on asking for feedback


    'It may be true that I seem bullying,' one client informed me, 'but this is just firm management in action'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Someone to squeeze: meeting patients' needs


    A report into ways to meet what patients need and demand of the NHS garners wisdom from leaders of major organisations, writes Mark Gould

  • News

    More trusts fail to meet hygiene code


    The Healthcare Commission has said more trusts are declaring non-compliance with its hygiene code than did last year.