All Workforce articles – Page 178

  • Kettering general hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust seeks second interim chief in five months


    Kettering General Hospital Foundation Trust to lose acting chief executive Clare Culpin at the end of March Ms Culpin to become managing director of Basildon and Thurrock FT Substantive chief executive David Sissling remains on extended sick leave Kettering General Hospital Foundation Trust is making “interim arrangements” to ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt: Department of Health can handle Brexit


    Jeremy Hunt confident Department of Health can deliver despite staff cuts He says NHS workforce will rely on EU immigration in the short term Health secretary says he does not know if he will be in the room during Brexit negotiations The Department of Health has the capacity ...

  • Rob Behrens

    MPs approve new head of NHS watchdog


    New health service ombudsman approved by MPs after joint hearings last week Rob Behrens is currently head of the Office of the Independent Adjudicator in Higher Education Mr Behrens will replace Dame Julie Mellor who resigned last year The new parliamentary and health service ombudsman has been approved ...

  • Wound care
    HSJ Knowledge

    Why better wound care isn't down to just the NHS


    Industry can help make wound care better by providing clear evidence of value for money

  • patient in hospital bed

    Nurses reveal strain of working on understaffed wards


    Patients have been left waiting for medications, unwashed or had vital observations delayed because hospital wards do not have enough nurses, HSJ has been told.

  • 02 e24008

    Revealed: The hospitals with the worst nurse staffing


    Analysis suggests majority of acute hospitals are struggling to meet their own plans for nurse staffing Data shows trusts employing more healthcare assistants than planned Expert warns there is a risk of “false reassurance” on safety Decline in achieving staffing plans comes despite increases in employed nurses and tougher ...

  • Ruth May

    Pressure on NHS 'toughest I have ever seen', says NHSI director


    Trusts need support to recruit and retain staff, says NHS Improvement nursing director Nursing directors say they plan more overseas recruitment this year Some trusts may have harder to achieve staffing plans compared with others One of England’s most senior nurses has said the pressures facing the health ...

  • Narinder Kapur

    Four ways in which the NHS can learn from others


    Narinder Kapur specifies how learning from others can be best put into practice in the NHS

  • Bryan kessie

    E-rostering: Helping hospitals ease winter pressures and boost staff morale


    How effective staff management through e-rostering can help hospitals to meet challenges, improving staff morale and patient’s experience

  • Nurse treating patient
    HSJ Local

    Trust forced to axe fifth of its community nursing team


    Homerton University Hospital Trust is set to cut 20 per cent of its community nurses following CCG budget reductions Funding will be lost as early as March, trust papers reveal Experts call the move “logically unsustainable” and a potential risk to the quality of care An east London ...

  • Workforce

    Exclusive: STPs forecast NHS will employ thousands fewer staff


    The NHS’s unpublished proposals for dealing with extreme funding pressure suggest it will employ thousands fewer nurses and other staff in the next few years, and treat tens of thousands fewer emergency patients in hospital.

  • Richmond House

    Department of Health to cut over 500 jobs


    More than 500 civil servants working for the Department of Health are to leave their jobs under a major Whitehall cost cutting drive, HSJ has learned.

  • Prison

    Former NHS manager jailed for fraud for second time


    Former NHS manager Conrad de Souza jailed for 17 months after admitting six counts of fraud NHS Protect says he took “extraordinarily large risks to win back power, prestige and financial rewards” He lied about qualifications, previous convictions and his employment record when applying for jobs A former ...

  • Professor Cathy Warwick

    Union chief executive to retire


    The head of the Royal College of Midwives has said she will retire at the end of August.

  • Sir Leonard Fenwick
    HSJ Local

    Updated: NHS's longest serving chief executive takes extended leave


    Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals FT confirms chief executive Sir Leonard Fenwick is on extended leave Sir Leonard is the longest serving chief executive in the health service Unclear why Sir Leonard has taken leave, or when he will return The NHS’s longest serving chief executive, Sir Leonard Fenwick, ...

  • Sir keith pearson

    Revalidation for doctors must not become a box-ticking exercise


    Sir Keith Pearson says the revalidation process is changing things for the better, but that much work remains to be done

  • Busy hospital
    HSJ Local

    New scheme to plug A&E gaps with doctors from India


    Scheme would see NHS trusts contribute £16,000 towards training costs for each recruit as well as paying salary Trusts have agreed to host 20 doctors this year but local leaders believe there is potential scheme to be significantly expanded A&E departments under severe strain in recent weeks and medical ...

  • Healthcare assistant

    Unregulated staff could be 'blacklisted' to protect patients


    Department of Health considering new powers to prevent unregulated staff working in the NHS Professional Standards Authority says the idea could be an effective way to stop staff who pose a risk to patients PSA also warned of a negative effect on workforce morale New powers could be ...

  • Whistle

    More than 30 trusts do not have a whistleblower guardian


    33 trusts yet to appoint a freedom to speak up guardian National guardian Henrietta Hughes says she will alert national bodies if progress is not made She says: “NHS still has distance to go to create a universally open and honest culture” More than 30 hospital trusts are ...

  • Niall Dickson

    New NHS Confederation chief executive revealed


    Niall Dickson, former chief of the General Medical Council, has been appointed as chief executive of NHS Confederation.