All Workforce articles – Page 200

  • Pathology

    Tell trusts whether to outsource this year, says Carter


    Lord Carter recommends trusts determine whether their in-house departments are viable this year Urges NHS Improvement to develop benchmarks for admin costs, pharmacy and pathology Methodology used for review has been criticised Trusts should find out this year whether they will be forced to outsource their administration, pathology ...

  • Lord Carter4

    Carter review: the 15 recommendations


    The 15 core recommendations of the Carter Review on hospital productivity at a glance. 

  • Ian Cumming

    HEE chief: Spending review cuts led to fewer nurse places


    Ian Cumming says Health Education England would have “almost certainly” commissioned more nurse training places for 2016-17 Failure to tackle poor staff retention is biggest risk factor to delivering HEE’s planned workforce growth HEE fears NHS employers’ workforce predictions are not in line with new care models Health ...

  • David Cameron

    Fifteen trusts asked to pay executives more than prime minister


    Fifteen trusts applied for permission to pay an executive more than the prime minister Providers must get Treasury approval for salaries above £142,500 NHS Improvement leaders say finding the right managers is biggest problem facing providers Fifteen trusts have applied for permission to pay at least one board ...

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016

    Updated: Junior doctors to strike for 24 hours next week


    BMA to strike for 24 hours next Wednesday after contract talks fail Doctors will walk out from 8am but will now provide emergency care BMA says good progress was made with Sir David Dalton but government refused to recognise Saturdays as different to weekdays Junior doctors will strike ...

  • Chaand Nagpaul

    BMA to canvass GPs over 'mass resignation'


    GP representatives push BMA to survey willingness to sign undated resignation letters in protest at funding, workforce and regulatory grievances Call for “resilience teams” to be parachuted into practices that seek help with staffing shortages BMA conference votes to find “lawful” ways of disengaging with CQC inspections ...

  • Test tubes

    HSJ backs healthcare science awards


    Annual healthcare science awards launched Backed by HSJ to recognise role in delivering NHS priorities Deadline for entries is 17 February Enter the awards The contribution of healthcare scientists is to be recognised in the annual Chief Scientific Officer Awards. This year the awards are being supported ...

  • Adele Waters

    Let’s aim for 50:50 by 2020


    Is an equal gender split on NHS boards within the next four years a reasonable target?

  • Nurse

    30,000 nurses due for revalidation in just three months


    Almost 5 per cent of England’s nursing workforce are due to undergo revalidation in the first quarter of 2016-17, official papers reveal.

  • Simon Stevens

    Stevens: Negotiations on delayed GP contract deal are 'well advanced'


    NHS England chief executive said delayed national GP contract will be ‘reasonable’ to all sides Simon Stevens confirms ‘package’ of measures to help primary care due next month NHS England expects GP funding to be increased through co-commisioning as well as from national agreements NHS England chief executive ...

  • News

    Royal colleges wade into junior contract talks


    Six royal colleges and 15 medical associations warn of “long term damage” without negotiated deal Private letter sent in support of a deal as Acas talks continue Government warned against spreading resources “more thinly” Both sides in the junior doctors’ contract dispute have been urged to reach a ...

  • Agency nurse

    More than a quarter of trusts asked to breach agency cap


    More than a quarter of trusts ask Monitor permission to breach “ceiling” on agency spend in September Nearly a quarter are successful New price cap due to take effect next week More than a quarter of trusts asked Monitor to increase their agency spending cap last year, HSJ ...

  • Alex till 3x2

    Seeking the heat: junior doctors must take affirmative leadership action


    We must produce a more equitable and universal approach to developing leadership talent, writes Dr Alex Till

  • Pete thomond 2016

    Taking staff on a journey


    A new year’s resolution for every leader who wants to achieve financial balance in 2016? Actually listen to your staff. By Peter Thomond

  • Nurses

    Carter to back new measure of nurse productivity


    Carter to call for new “principal” measure of nursing deployment to be introduced from April “Care hours per patient day” derived from nursing and healthcare assistant hours per inpatient Review expected to call for “national people strategy” to tackle absenteeism, bullying and turnover Will also back clampdown on use ...

  • Guz_Sir_David_Dalton_005

    Exclusive: Government offers major concessions in bid to break junior doctors dispute


    Leaked letter from Sir David Dalton reveals significant change in stance from NHS Employers and government New offer includes limits on Saturday working and enhanced Saturday pay for some doctors Negotiations were scheduled to continue today between NHS Employers and BMA The government has offered major concessions to ...

  • Busy hospital

    NICE leak reaction: Trusts should use guidance says college president


    Royal College of Emergency Medicine president says scale of A&E understaffing could be 50 per cent Dr Cliff Mann says trusts should use leaked NICE guideline to conduct gap analysis on nurse staffing levels CQC expects providers to use “any tool they deem appropriate” to ensure safe care ...

  • Workforce

    Taking the workforce challenge early on


    Can we set the tone early in 2016 for the health service to tackle its workforce challenges

  • Michael White

    The truth about the doctors' dispute


    Public opinion has so far has been sympathetic to junior doctors, but these shallow sentiments could easily switch

  • Robert Francis

    Safe staffing leak: How we got here


    HSJ has today published the final safe nurse staffing guidance for accident and emergency departments produced by NICE. We have covered this important story since the beginning. Here we recap the main events to get you up to speed.