All Workforce articles – Page 406

  • News

    National NHS pay deal criticised


    Nationally negotiated pay means commissioners' hands are tied from using bigger salaries to attract more good doctors, the Commons health select committee was told last week.

  • News

    Surviving the economic crisis


    It was interesting to hear senior human resources figures from British Airways and Legal and General at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development annual conference. They were clear that the only way for organisations to survive the economic crisis is for unions and employers to work towards a common ...

  • News

    Manchester mental health chief launches dismissal claim


    A trust chief executive who triggered weeks of strike action after sacking a trade union official has launched an unfair dismissal claim.Manchester Mental Health and Social Care trust's former chief Sheila Foley resigned in July, the day after a report, commissioned by NHS North West, criticised frequent changes of management ...

  • News

    World class care takes a team


    The NHS is truly world class in many aspects of its clinical work but the outcome figures of a brilliant surgeon are undermined without the rest of the NHS team, who provide essential theatre cleaning, nursing and ward management. A patient-led NHS has to recognise all the worth behind the ...

  • News

    Managers' union calls on DH to 'rip up' pay scheme


    The pay scheme for very senior NHS managers undermines the effort going into world class commissioning and should be 'ripped up', officials are being told.

  • News

    NHS Employers urges against reopening pay negotiations


    Employers have urged the NHS pay review body to stick with its three-year pay settlement.

  • Comment

    Richard Knowles on NHS command and control


    Command and control is a term that is increasingly used in the current target-driven healthcare climate.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Encouraging healthy eating among NHS staff


    A new project focusing on nutrition and healthy eating is setting out to change the dietary habits of NHS employees

  • News

    DH appoints autism adviser


    Elaine Hill has been appointed as the specialist adviser for autism at the Department of Health.

  • News

    Unite opens NHS pay ballot


    Union Unite today began balloting NHS members on the current three-year pay deal. The ballot will ask 100,000 members if they are prepared to take industrial action, including strike action, in protest at the pay deal.

  • News

    Maternity services growth fails to keep up with births


    Maternity services faced growing pressure on capacity and staff last year despite government commitments to improve safety and choice.Newly released reports from regional midwifery officers show midwife numbers in many areas failed to keep up with the rising birth rate in 2007-08.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Six steps to integrated NHS workforce planning: step one


    Are you considering your healthcare workforce plans? The Six Steps Methodology to Integrated Workforce Planning can help.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ali Mohammed on meeting staff needs


    You really know you are 40 when you admit to being 35 but are actually about to turn 50. You also know you are 40 when you have fancy paperclips instead of plain office-supply ones.

  • News

    Defence ministry doctors accept pay deal


    The British Medical Association has formally accepted a new pay deal for GPs working for the Ministry of Defence.

  • News

    Why should NHS managers reapply for their posts?


    I was close to apoplexy when I heard about Liberal Democrat deputy leader Vince Cable's suggestion that directors reapply for their own posts and take a pay and conditions cut in the process.

  • News

    New formula spells end for minimum practice income guarantee


    GPs and NHS Employers have agreed a formula that could phase out the minimum practice income guarantee. The guarantee has been strongly criticised, as it means GP practices suffer no financial penalty if patients choose to go elsewhere.

  • Leader

    Constitutional rights in danger of smothering local NHS values


    The proposed NHS constitution is drowning in a sea of indifference.

  • News

    Maidstone boosts pay offer to tempt new chair


    A salary of £44,000 is being offered for a new chair for Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust.

  • News

    Pay dispute threatens speech therapists' morale, union claims


    Dissatisfaction at the government's three-year pay deal, which adds up to an annual pay increase of 2.7 per cent - just under half the rate of inflation, is creating a 'crisis' of stress and low morale among speech and language therapists, their union has claimed.

  • Comment

    Henry Carleton on the European working time directive


    The chair of the British Medical Association consultants' committee recently suggested that the problems posed by the European working time directive could be solved by employing more consultants and ensuring managers work closely with clinical colleagues.