All Workforce articles – Page 428

  • News

    GPs urge PCTs to remain flexible


    Primary care trusts will have to negotiate with family doctors over how to implement extended hours locally after the overwhelming majority of GPs voted to accept the government’s proposed deal.

  • Comment

    Your Humble Servant: carry on nurses


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: Ooh you are awful, but I like you

  • News

    GPs fail to help with appointments audit


    Primary care trusts have been unable to complete an audit of the number of GP appointments provided by practices because GPs have refused to hand over the information, following British Medical Association advice.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    1948: creation of a new workforce


    In 1948 the NHS opened its collective doors to be faced not only with an inherited waiting list of around half a million patients and a clamour for spectacles and false teeth, but also an almost immediate staff shortage.

  • News

    Government in court over GP pensions


    The government's decision to cap GPs' pensions was due to be scrutinised in the High Court today.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Healthcare jobs dropped from shortage occupation list


    The Border and Immigration Agency has said it will be removing 38 healthcare occupations from the national shortage occupation list.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New deal for healthcare staff working unsocial hours


    Negotiators for NHS Employers and the NHS trade unions have recently reached a significant milestone. After many months of discussion, proposals have been agreed for a new system of pay enhancements for Agenda for Change staff whose standard working week includes work in the evenings, early in the morning, at ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS Employers rejects CV falsification reports


    NHS Employers has responded to reports of CV falsification in the NHS, saying that the NHS conducts rigorous employment checks and patients can have confidence that the staff who treat them are who they say they are and that they have the appropriate qualifications.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New immigration rules restrict access to medical training


    The Home Office has announced changes to immigration rules that will restrict new international medical graduates' access to UK post-graduate medical training.

  • News

    Promote volunteering in the health service, report urges


    A report examining volunteering in public services has identified service users as a largely untapped source of volunteers.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Agency workers: who is in charge around here?


    A recent court case brought by an agency worker highlighted the need to widen the protection of temporary employees. Stuart Jones investigates

  • News

    Work experience in the NHS


    Opening its doors to students interested in NHS careers must be a fundamental element of a trust's long-term workforce strategy, says Foluke Ajayi

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Can senior managers really make a difference?


    Do successful NHS managers have skill or luck to thank? Blair McPherson takes a closer look at what really determines which organisations sink and which swim

  • News

    Training scheme for low-paid healthcare staff


    Public sector union Unison has launched an initiative to improve training and learning opportunities for low-paid members.

  • News

    Calls for action over global health worker shortage


    A shared worldwide commitment is needed to tackle the shortage of healthcare workers, the First Global Forum on Human Resources for Health has said.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ken Jarrold on taking a look in the mirror


    Understanding ourselves and other people is one of the most important management skills and is very useful in building and sustaining a productive and satisfying working life. Some people have natural self-awareness and empathy; most of us have to work at it.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Doctor-manager relationships: the big fight


    NHS hospital power has long been in the hands of two sets of people: managers and clinicians, and tension has occasionally spilled out of the ring. In the latest article in our series on 60 years of the NHS, Daloni Carlisle looks at the dynamics

  • Comment

    Andrew Jones on extending primary care


    As I opened the envelope from the British Medical Association, I found myself reflecting on a tumultuous few months. The envelope in question contained a justification of the GPs' committee's negotiating stance on extended hours and a form for voting on enhanced payments options.

  • News

    Views sought on revalidation of doctors


    The government has launched a consultation seeking views on changes to the revalidation of doctors and the functions of the General Medical Council.

  • News

    Wales launches new mental health training programme


    The Welsh Assembly today announced funding for new training at Swansea University that will allow nurses, occupational therapists and psychologists to become 'approved mental health professionals'.