All Workforce articles – Page 432

  • News

    Half of mental health nurses assaulted, audit reveals


    More than half of nurses on mental health wards have been physically assaulted at work, according to an audit of violence in mental health services published today.The audit - the second national assessment of its kind - covered more than 200 NHS and independent mental health units and was carried ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Review of unsocial hours payments


    The NHS Staff Council is recommending its proposals for a new system of unsocial hours payments to the Department of Health.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Review of unsocial hours payments


    The NHS Staff Council is recommending its proposals for a new system of unsocial hours payments to the Department of Health.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Equal pay claims


    Employers should already be aware that all equal pay claims involving a legal challenge to Agenda for Change have been stayed by order of the Tribunals. This order, however, applies only to the part of the claim involving the challenge to Agenda for Change. Employers should consult with their lawyers ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Equal pay claims


    Employers should already be aware that all equal pay claims involving a legal challenge to Agenda for Change have been stayed by order of the Tribunals. This order, however, applies only to the part of the claim involving the challenge to Agenda for Change. Employers should consult with their lawyers ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Allied health professionals and the 18-week target


    Allied health professionals play a vital role in delivering services to millions of patients, but there is still potential to use their expertise in assessment, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation to even greater effect.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Allied health professionals and the 18-week target


    Allied health professionals play a vital role in delivering services to millions of patients, but there is still potential to use their expertise in assessment, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation to even greater effect.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Pension changes save employers £430m a year


    Pension scheme changes that were agreed between NHS Employers and NHS trade unions will save employers £430m a year, according to a government actuary report published in December.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Making the most of human resources in the health sector


    NHS managers can add value to their organisations by recognising that human resources teams are integral to corporate success, not peripheral, writes Greg Brown

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Making the most of human resources in the health sector


    NHS managers can add value to their organisations by recognising that human resources teams are integral to corporate success, not peripheral, writes Greg Brown

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Are we all knowledge workers now?


    I can remember first coming across the term 'knowledge worker' about 10 years ago at a conference and assumed it was the latest management buzzphrase imported from a consultancy or Ivy League professor.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Are we all knowledge workers now?


    I can remember first coming across the term 'knowledge worker' about 10 years ago at a conference and assumed it was the latest management buzzphrase imported from a consultancy or Ivy League professor.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS team wins Investors in Children accreditation


    Staff at Hart Lodge, part of the Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys trust, have become the first NHS child learning disability team to gain Investors in Children accreditation.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS team wins Investors in Children accreditation


    Staff at Hart Lodge, part of the Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys trust, have become the first NHS child learning disability team to gain Investors in Children accreditation.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Engaging clinicians in NHS leadership


    John Clark and colleagues report on a project that aims to break down bunker-like regimes and involve medical staff in trust leadership

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Amos on the principles of equality


    Equality and diversity should be at the heart of workforce planning

  • HSJ Knowledge



    A new report suggests that organisations in the health sector have a misplaced confidence about their ability to cope with uncertainty and change.The survey, carried out by the Chartered Management Institute, shows that, of the top concerns raised, only 51 per cent of organisations in the health sector believe that ...

  • HSJ Knowledge



    Staff in the NHS might be expected to be better at looking after their own health than most people. They have health promotion information to hand, they either are, or work closely with, clinicians, and they are usually provided with excellent occupational health services. Perhaps equally important, they are regularly ...

  • News

    Migrant medical training applications curtailed


    Temporary changes to immigration rules will reduce the potential pool of migrants applying to UK postgraduate medical training from 5,000 to 3,000 in 2009, the Department of Health has said.

  • News

    DH appoints interim information chief


    The Department of Health has appointed Matthew Swindells as interim chief information officer, replacing Richard Granger who left the department last week.