All Workforce articles – Page 446

  • News

    Leicester chief resigns after failed PFI project


    The chief executive of one of the country's biggest trusts has stepped down from his job amid claims that he was made a scapegoat for an abandoned private finance initiative deal.

  • News

    BMA U-turn on GP pay plan


    The British Medical Association has distanced itself from proposed changes to GPs' pay that it jointly produced. It has argued that too many GPs will lose out under the proposals.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    MTAS: after the storm


    The dust is still settling on the MTAS debacle, but the future of medical training is far from gloomy. Daloni Carlisle reports

  • News

    Exclusive: SHAs understaffed and under pressure, say managers' union


    Strategic health authorities will struggle to do their jobs properly because of ‘draconian’ staff cuts, union Managers in Partnership has warned.

  • News

    Specialist doctors 'left in lurch'


    A damming report has criticised primary care trust management of specialist doctors working in the community.Specialists employed directly by PCTs feel professionally isolated and that their needs are 'ignored', the NHS Alliance has warned.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Paul Allen on a fashionable performance


    'All teams should take a long hard look at their communication and decision-making processes'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The language of business


    A national English language teaching project has proven that setting resource materials in the context of healthcare increases learners' interest in applying for jobs in the sector. Kath Jones explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New acting chief executive


    Tim Straughan has been appointed acting chief executive of the Information Centre for health and social care, after the departure of Denise Lievesley.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Learning to let go


    More than half of employees spend some of their holiday worrying about work. Managers could help staff plan ahead and get ready to relax

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Tongue twisters


    English language training opportunities that assist access to and performance in healthcare jobs are under threat, says Paul Gander

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: when your private life isn't so private


    Employees whose out-of-hours activities compromise their employer's reputation could face serious consequences, writes Claire Reynolds

  • Comment

    Michael White on politics


    'No-one blew the whistle hard enough when the new processes started looking flawed'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Management training hits award-winning heights


    The Graduate Management Training Scheme has reaffirmed its position as a sought-after career path with two prestigious awards

  • News

    Consultation on nurses' pay


    The Royal College of Nursing has launched a consultation with NHS members in England on the government's pay offer for nurses.

  • News

    Royal College of Physicians to host open day


    The Royal College of Physicians is to host an open day next month.

  • Comment

    Ex-offenders should not be excluded from volunteering


    As the national volunteering development agency, we were very alarmed by the tone of the article 'Criminal checks fail to exclude staff' (news, page 7, 2 August), and the related editorial in a recent issue of HSJ. There appeared to be little understanding of vetting procedures, Criminal Record Bureau guidelines ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Professionals submit their ideas for improving healthcare


    Nearly 100 professionals have submitted their ideas for improving the quality of healthcare in the UK as part of a prize draw run by the Health Foundation at the NHS Confederation conference in June and the foundation's own summer event in July.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Equality - tools of the trade


    Ethnically diverse populations present a range of challenges for healthcare. But help is at hand with Hammersmith's award-winning cultural toolkit, says Stuart Shepherd

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Thornton on developing leaders


    'Shared leadership is based on the idea that teams work together more effectively if all team members assert their individual leadership qualities'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Lee on encouraging honesty


    Once again, it is the time of year when a young manager's thoughts turn to the staff survey. The NHS staff survey is the largest of its kind in the world, and annual familiarity can breed contempt. But the results have a way of impacting on organisations' parts that even ...