All Workforce articles – Page 453

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: the employment law implications of mergers


    Merging with another organisation means taking on its staff - and any associated problems such as grievance procedures and litigation claims. Legal expert Rachel Heenan advises on how to avoid nasty post-merger shocks.

  • News

    Thousands doing unpaid overtime


    Nearly three-quarters of NHS workers in England are regularly doing overtime, much of it unpaid, according to the annual Healthcare Commission staff survey.

  • News

    Oncology trust names new chief executive


    Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology foundation trust has announced the appointment of new chief executive Darren Hurrell.Mr Hurrell is expected to take up the post in summer 2007.

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    Selbie seconded to acute trust


    Duncan Selbie, director general for commissioning at the Department for Health, will go on secondment this summer as chief executive of an acute trust.The DoH will announce plans to fill the director general commissioning post at a later date.

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    Three-quarters of NHS staff doing unpaid overtime


    Nearly three-quarters of NHS workers in England are regularly doing overtime, much of it unpaid, according to the annual Healthcare Commission staff survey, published today.

  • News

    Workforce SHAs' failure to plan staff numbers has been 'disastrous'


    Workforce planning is at risk of being abandoned by NHS chief executives burdened with 'excessive' Whitehall demands, a damning report has found.

  • News

    New NHS London chief executive named


    Ruth Carnell has been appointed chief executive of NHS London, after taking on the post on an interim basis last September when David Nicholson was appointed NHS chief executive.Mr Nicholson commented: ëI strongly believe we have found the right person to lead the NHS in London. Since she took up ...

  • News

    RCGP names new chair


    Professor Stephen Field has been named as the next chair of the Royal College of GPs when Professor Mayur Lakhani finishes his three-year term of office in November.Professor Field is GP in Birmingham, regional postgraduate dean for West Midlands Deanery and chair of the RCGP's professional development board.Read the press ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Safety first: the benefits of e-prescribing


    Entice staff on board with electronic prescribing and the results can be dramatic, reports Varya Shaw

  • News

    BMA calls GP pay meeting


    The British Medical Association GP committee has invited local medical committee secretaries to a meeting to discuss the response to the GP pay award.The meeting will also cover the current state of general practice in the UK. It is scheduled for 19 April and will be chaired by committee chair ...

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    New chief for NHS Direct


    The head of communications at the Department of Health is to become NHS Direct chief executive.

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    London chief defends Corrigan and Warner's appointments


    NHS London's interim chief executive has defended her new top team against claims they include political appointments meant to push through New Labour reforms.

  • News

    Flexible working guidance for carers and employers


    The charities Working Families and Help the Hospices are to publish guidance on flexible working.The publications, one aimed at employers and one at carers for the terminally ill will be available from 5 April, to tie in with the new Work and Families Act, which comes into force next month.Read ...

  • News

    NHS accountants honoured at awards


    Six students have been honoured at the NHS Student Excellence Awards for their exceptional performance in the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants examinations.The awards celebrate the commitment demonstrated by the NHS in training CIMA students and employing fully qualified chartered management accountants to take on management roles.

  • News

    New chief executive for NHS Direct


    Department of Health director general of communications Matt Tee is to be the next chief executive of NHS Direct.Mr Tee was previously business development director at Dr Foster and takes over from Ed Lester, who will leave NHS Direct in May.

  • News

    Review says junior doctors should get guaranteed interviews


    The review group examining the selection process for junior doctors has recommended all eligible applicants are guaranteed an interview for their first or second choice of training post.The review also said those who have not been shortlisted for any interviews will have their applications reviewed.Read the press release here

  • News

    All new healthcare workers to be checked for diseases


    Under new Department of Health guidance, all new healthcare workers will be checked for tuberculosis and offered hepatitis B immunisation and tests for hepatitis C and HIV.These standard health clearance checks would be completed on appointment, with additional health clearance required by those performing exposure-prone procedures. The guidance will affect ...

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    Conservatives slam government 'incompetence'


    Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has blamed Labour 'incompetence' for NHS job losses. Commenting on Office of National Statistics figures released yesterday which show that 11,000 jobs were in the NHS during the last three months of 2006, Mr Lansley said: 'What's demoralising for NHS staff is that the incompetence ...

  • News

    DIY service improvement kit launched


    Doctors, nurses and call handlers will be able to assess their ability to identify emergencies, the quality of their advice and speed of response using a new clinical audit toolkit to help improve the standard of out-of-hours services.The arrangements are set out in a document published by health minister Andy ...

  • News

    BMA defends GPs over out-of-hours criticism


    The British Medical Association has said that the quality of out-of-hours services is the responsibility of the local NHS - not GPs.GP committee chair Dr Hamish Meldrum agreed with the findings of a Public Accounts Committee report on out-of-hours care, but rejected the report's assertion that GPs were the only ...