All Workforce articles – Page 456

  • News

    Watchdog appoints three new commissioners


    The Healthcare Commission today welcomes Professor Deirdre Kelly, Clare Dodgson, and Clifford Prior as commissioners.The trio will join the twelve current commissioners tasked with driving quality in healthcare and public health. Read the press release here

  • News

    Leeds trust names new chief


    Maggie Boyle has been appointed chief executive of Leeds Teaching Hospitals trust.'Ms Boyle has been appointed for her skills, past experience and demonstrable track record of success in other similar organisations,' said trust chair Martin Buckley.Ms Boyle is currently chief executive of Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals trust. From ...

  • News

    New training to reduce violence against ambulance staff


    The NHS Security Management Service (SMS) has launched a new set of standards to ensure high quality training for ambulance workers for prevention of violence.SMS head of security management Richard Hampton said: 'Ambulance staff are at the forefront of NHS care and face particular risks that this training is designed ...

  • News

    Select committee to hear evidence on workforce planning


    The Commons health select committee will be holding its final session on workforce planning on 25 January.The committee will be hearing from new minister Lord Hunt and Department of Health deputy director of workforce Nic Greenfield.Click here for more information

  • HSJ Knowledge

    What social enterprise can do for healthcare


    A social enterprise is often defined as a business that trades with a social or environmental purpose. It is not driven by profit, and reinvests surpluses back into the organisation or community.

  • News

    Labour MP slams workforce planning


    Labour MP and health select committee member Dr Howard Stoate has criticised a 'boom and bust' culture in NHS workforce planning and argued against local planning.Speaking at a committee hearing yesterday, he said a lack of centralised workforce planning meant the NHS was 'chasing its tail'.

  • News

    DoH publishes travel expenses consultation


    The Department of Health has published consultation on the hospital travel costs scheme, which allows those on low incomes to claim travel expenses.The document looks at how the scheme can be changed to reflect a shift in care closer to home.Read the consultation here

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    Hewitt: government should have capped GP profits


    Health secretary Patricia Hewitt has said the government would have considered capping GPs' earning potential under their contract if it had predicted the extent of their increased profits.Information Centre for health and social care figures show that the percentage of GPs' revenue taken as profit after expenses rose from 40 ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A wonderful web we weave


    Spiders are helping wards and departments us discover what is working and where improvements are needed, reports Suzanne Hinchliffe

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    Labour PRs win SHA jobs


    Two former New Labour PR gurus have been appointed directors of communications in strategic health authorities.

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    Pension guidance released


    The Department of Health has produced a guide for staff leaving NHS employment but wishing to continue their membership of the NHS pension scheme.The guidance also sets out advice about employer responsibilities for pension provision where staff have to leave the scheme.Read the guide here

  • News

    Gerry Robinson and the NHS


    Management guru Sir Gerry Robinson's televised stint at Rotherham foundation trust to reduce waiting lists might have worked better in a trust that has not already achieved so much to place it on a more business-like footing.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Cross the divide and rule


    Chief executives have switched between primary care and acute trusts. Jenifer Taylor examines how the roles and the demands differ, looks at the reasons behind the moves and discusses with three top managers their plans

  • News

    Managers appeal for workforce planning 'reality check'


    Managers are calling for health economists to be brought in to give workforce planning a 'reality check'.

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    BMA: make targets more ambitious


    The NHS should be set more ambitious targets, rather than lay off surplus staff once a maximum 18-week wait has been achieved, the British Medical Association has said.

  • News

    Letters about NEDs


    I write as an non-executive director from a disbanded primary care trust. Seen from here, the appointment process to the new PCTs was a farce.

  • News

    Report calls for more support for employing disabled people


    Employers should be trained in the support available in employing a disabled person, according to the Public Accounts Committee.A report on the Department for Work and Pension's support for disabled people says more flexible employment advice should be given to disabled people, that current service provision is patchy and that ...

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    Winners of the Health Foundation Leadership Fellows award scheme


    Sixteen healthcare professionals have been selected to join the Health Foundation's prestigious Leadership Fellows award scheme.

  • News

    Trust chiefs warned on race compliance


    The Commission for Racial Equality is going to get tougher on NHS organisations that fail to meet race relations legislation, according to NHS chief executive David Nicholson.He has written to trust chief executives to alert them that the CRE 'will be taking a more proactive stance in exercising their enforcement ...

  • News

    Leicester chief to go private


    Leicestershire Partnership trust chief executive Professor Maggie Cork is to leave the NHS after 20 years to join Four Seasons Health Care as managing director of its Huntercombe Group subsidiary specialised services division for conditions such as mental health and addictions, physical and neurodisabilities, brain injury rehabilitation and children's services.