All Workforce articles – Page 458

  • News

    Non-executive was unlawfully sacked


    The Appointments Commission has admitted unlawfully sacking a non-executive director of a primary care trust who opposed an ill-fated independent treatment centre contract.

  • Comment

    Noel Pumridge on workforce planning


    Or, in simple terms, why should the NHS pay a nurse in Workington almost as much as a nurse in Wimbledon? She'll only fritter it away anyway.

  • News

    Michael white on politics


    'Don?t think, Mr or Ms Finance Director, that you can force Ms Hewitt out by hiring some extra doctors or buying a fleet of scanners'

  • Comment

    Michael White on the pay round


    'The tough pay round is a blatant 'clawback' and I don't think doctors can expect much sympathy'

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    Media watch


    The paper suggested that any 'sentient being' would be so aghast at the details of the Cornwall report that they would immediately want to turn to the sports pages

  • News

    Media watch


    The NHS entered the debate about What Not to Wearthis week as the Daily Expresstrumpeted: 'The veil is banned in hospitals.' The paper revealed 'details of the purge of faceless medics' at Birmingham University's school of medicine. Students are allowed to cover ...

  • News

    Media watch


    Another week and another revelation about the Department of Health's troubled IT programme, this time from a very unlikely source.

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    Media Watch: 'NHS penpushers'


    'NHS penpushers are paid £1.5m for doing nothing' the Daily Mail told its readers as the tabloids frothed earlier this week over news that the Department of Health is paying £1.5m to civil servants whose jobs have been made redundant.

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    Media Watch: nurses protest


    Avenging angels hit the headlines and the streets this weekend as they came out in force to protest at, among other things, a below-inflation pay rise.

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    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on succession planning


    My nine-year-old son was recruited this season to the local football league club's centre of excellence. His coaches exude knowledge, enthusiasm and a remarkable commitment to a part-time, barely rewarded, role. They spend much of their spare time watching local junior league matches. They also handle representations from ambitious parents, ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Turnaround strategies and the law


    Many NHS bodies are developing turnaround plans to achieve financial recovery. The implementation of these raises complex legal issues, particularly on patient and public involvement and employment law. Graeme Trigg reports

  • News

    Protestors slam IPPR reconfiguration report


    An umbrella group of health workers, unions and patients opposed to privatisation and closure plans have rubbished Institute for Public Policy Research reconfiguration claims.

  • Comment

    Your Humble Servant: the new SHA


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: Strategic hip authority

  • News

    Half of new nurses out of work


    Almost half of newly qualified nurses have not been able to find jobs this year, MPs heard last week.

  • News

    Lord Warner to limit GP pensions


    The government has moved to limit increases in GP pensions, claiming patient services could be at risk if it did not act.

  • News

    MPs slam health ministers' financial failures


    Ministers' failure to get a grip on NHS finances last year led to a £570m net deficit in England, according to MPs.

  • News

    Surrey social enterprise prepares for launch


    England's largest so-called 'social enterprise' offering healthcare services will launch in shadow form on 1 August.

  • News

    New push to engage with staff on reform


    The government is creating an advisory group to 'provide strategic advice' on reform of the health and social care system.

  • News

    Non-execs step down from troubled trust


    Three non-executive directors have stepped down at a trust beset with financial problems and controversy over possible service changes.

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    Laura Donnelly on thoughts at last orders


    'I used to be frightened when a colleague wore a Virginia Bottomley mask in times of stress'