All Workforce articles – Page 459

  • News

    SHAs slash training fund for doctors


    Training of doctors is at risk because strategic health authorities cut training budgets by millions of pounds last year, according to figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by the Conservative Party.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: junior doctors


    'How could they be so stupid?' asked the Daily Mail as it berated the government for failing to ensure junior doctors will be guaranteed jobs this summer in the Department of Health's new recruitment process.

  • Comment

    Michael White: junior doctors


    'Hewitt would have watched footage of Cameron being cheered by a throng of angry junior doctors with some alarm'

  • News

    Patient top-up fees on rise, say doctors


    Patients are increasingly having to pay top-up fees for private care because of budget cuts in the NHS and long waiting times, according to a report by pressure group Doctors for Reform.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Graduated delays


    Government plans to increase the number of primary care mental health workers delivering therapy services have yet to take off, reports Emma Dent

  • Comment

    HSJ debate: So you want to be a director?


    HSJ 'Managers make a difference' Campaign: Whether it's the art of fostering effective relationships with clinicians, non-executives and politicians or demonstrating empathy with staff, what does the next generation of high-quality managers need? HSJ brought together six chief executives to provide some answers

  • News

    Preferential pay-off deals protected


    Staff facing the axe under NHS restructuring will be protected from worsened redundancy and retirement terms resulting from new anti-age discrimination laws.

  • Comment

    A different kind of day at the office


    The HSJChallenge offers managers the opportunity to escape their day jobs and pit their wits against their peers in a in a multi-agency health economy with more than its fair share of problems. The good news is that it's not for real. ...

  • Comment

    How doctors learned to stop worrying and love data


    The NHS has never lacked information, but, says Dr Foster Intelligence's Tim Kelsey, only now are managers and clinicians harnessing its power to change services. Public access is the next big challenge

  • News

    Current policy threatens supply of GPs


    The draft NHS pay and workforce strategy reveals that the Department of Health's current policies will create a shortage of 1,200 family doctor whole-time equivalent posts (WTE) in four years' time.

  • News

    Surgeons slate target culture


    Workforce planning has been plunged into 'disarray' by 'recent government policies' that show an 'arrogant' disregard of the views of consultants, Royal College of Surgeons president Bernard Ribeiro was due to say yesterday.

  • News

    Resignation over list controversy


    One member of staff has resigned and another has been disciplined at a Lincolnshire trust at the centre of waiting list irregularities.

  • News

    Unions unite to oppose reform pace and lack of consultation


    Managers, doctors, nurses, paramedics and porters were set to unite against government NHS reforms this week as their unions met to draw up a collective battle plan.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The Fall Guys: staff safety is a major concern


    Violence against NHS staff is still at unacceptable levels, with incidents often unreported and perpetrators uncharged. Emma Dent reports

  • News

    DoH concedes defeat on secret NHSU report


    The Department of Health has lost a lengthy battle to block the publication of a report into the axed NHS University.

  • News

    Commission orders trusts to provide proof of non-discrimination policies


    A hospital trust and a primary care trust have been served with legal notices giving them 28 days to prove they do not discriminate against disabled patients or staff.

  • Comment

    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on clinical engagement


    'A meeting of minds gets enormous impetus when the fog of data is converted into information'

  • News

    How the push for local choice in childbirth is foundering


    Despite national pledges to provide women with a range of local options, choice in maternity services has largely failed to materialise. Alison Moore investigates how local organisations? decisions to close units are flying in the face of national policy

  • News

    Hurt as chiefs fail to make the grade


    NHS Employers has moved to defend the selection process for primary care trust chief executives after rumours of upset circulated in the service last week.

  • News

    New IHM chief pledges support to managers


    The new chief executive of the Institute of Healthcare Management has pledged to make the organisation a strong voice for managers once again.