All World class commissioning articles
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New tools for new commissioners: an HSJ special supplement
This week’s exclusive 28-page commissioning supplement brings a range of key topic articles to HSJ’s audience that will help commissioners to achieve more in their role.
Commissioning by any other name: will 'clinical' become 'world class'?
Linear progress, zig-zagging or going round in circles? Calum Paton asks whether the Health Bill’s ideal of clinical commissioning can really deliver an improved era of healthcare after the years of false starts and rebadging.
'Without a firm battle plan, consortia might find themselves neither here nor there'
The grand old health secretary risks getting the new consortia stuck on the hill, unless a change in strategy to push them higher up the slope of success is attempted.
Concern over rate of PCT talent drain
MPs and GPs are concerned primary care trusts have already begun losing some of their best managers ahead of their proposed abolition.
Consortia management allowance will be in operating framework, says Nicholson
The government hopes to reveal the value of the GP consortia management allowance in the operating framework in December, NHS chief executive Sir David Nicholson has said.
Britnell sets up commissioning academy with NAPC
A GP commissioning “academy” has been launched by the National Association of Primary Care, in partnership with consultants KPMG.
NHS managers hit back at reforms
The reforms to the NHS are “too fast and furious”, Managers in Partnership has warned.
Milton rejects claim that NHS reforms are 'weak link' in government policy
Health minister Anne Milton was forced to defend Tory health policies yesterday after they were labelled the “weak link” in government reform plans during a Conservative Party conference debate.
HSJ Knowledge
World class commissioning and the handover to GP consortia
World class competencies remain important in the handover to GP consortia, say Claire Saul and Alex McGlauglin
London in talks over PCT mergers
NHS London and the Department of Health are in talks about merging London’s 31 primary care trusts into just six bodies, HSJ has learned.
Nicholson steps up reform with radical savings move
NHS chief executive Sir David Nicholson has paved the way for primary care trusts to be merged as a means to make significant savings while implementing the health white paper.
Transforming community services 'a mistake', says top PCT chief exec
The NHS will regret the rush to vertically integrate community services with acute trusts, the chief executive of England’s top performing primary care trust has warned.
PCT support agency will look beyond London
The organisation set up to support the capital’s primary care trust commissioners is looking to offer its services beyond London, its chair has told HSJ.
PCT and UnitedHealth end deal
NHS Northamptonshire has terminated its contract for commissioning support with UnitedHealth UK a year early.
World class commissioning interactive map
Compare PCTs across the country with HSJ’s interactive world class commissioning map.
World class commissioning values are a legacy for the long haul
Latest world class commissioning scores show PCTs rising to new challenges in needs assessment and service design. With this responsibility transferring to GP consortia the lessons in the high quality ‘competencies’ must survive, says David Stout
World class commissioning: this ridiculed plan might just be working
World class commissioning arrived too late and burdened with a name that virtually guaranteed ridicule. But, unfashionable though it may be to say, it is beginning to deliver results.
World class commissioning: PCTs raise the bar in final assurance test
Primary care trusts have set out their stall as support agencies for GP consortia by significantly improving their performance against the standards and competencies assessed in the second - and last ever - world class commissioning assurance test.
World class commissioning scores to top charts
The Department of Health is expecting the best primary care trusts to receive the highest score available under world class commissioning this year for the first time.