The extraordinary turnaround in the performance of Brent teaching primary care trust is a powerful example of how first class leadership transforms the NHS.

Barely two years ago Brent PCT was loathed by local GPs and the borough council. Early last year a report for NHS London by independent expert Michael Taylor described the fracture in local relationships as no less than a schism.

The charge sheet was formidable - serious failings in governance, poor financial oversight, breaches of NHS codes of conduct, arrogance and insularity.

Mr Taylor has just been back to see what has changed. His follow-up report oozes superlatives.

The new leadership team - headed by chief executive Mark Easton and chair Marcia Saunders - tackled failures “methodically and effectively”.

Problems have been “confronted head on”. Insularity has made way for collaboration, alienated partners now feel respected.

And it is in primary care partnership working that the PCT has secured its biggest wins. Progress is remarkable, Mr Taylor enthused, the formidable challenge it posed surmounted. Some of his recommendations have even been surpassed.

It is worth reflecting just how difficult the task has been. Although sorting out the money and governance is impressive, winning back trust so quickly is the outstanding feature of this success story.