Attain, the UK’s largest independent health advisory and delivery organisation, is extending the roll-out of a pro-bono service to hospitals to provide an assessment of staff “at risk” during the covid-19 pandemic.
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During the pandemic many individuals, teams and organisations are having to work in unprecedented ways with different shift patterns and unfamiliar temporary team structures. Additionally, a subset of trust staff fall within higher risk categories in terms of covid-19 exposure depending on age and other factors such as underlying conditions.
These factors may increase the likelihood of prolonged absence from work and severe illness or even death. This assessment approach provides analysis and a toolkit to identify which teams are affected to enable action planning to best protect those members of staff, contingency plan for prolonged absences and the continuation of key services.
The service is designed to:
- Provide a clear, at-a-glance heatmap of staff age profiles 55-60, 60-65, 65-70, 70+ analysis provided up front;
- Capture underlying condition data;
- Enable rapid contingency planning to protect staff and ensure continuity of key services;
- Work as an initial planning tool to determine the approach to be taken for each service, professional group and individual;
- Interface with national tools: progress and tracking of staff absence can then be carried out using the NHS England covid-19 tool to monitor and forecast absence over time.
This has been deployed at multiple trusts and has been used to inform the allocation of staff in respect of covid-19 patient exposure, to reduce risk of infection for “higher risk” staff members, to inform contingency staffing, including temporary staffing for specific services and to inform the role of estates planning for delivery of services.
If your hospital or organisation would like to find out more, and to access this service free of charge, please contact Attain.