Gateshead Care Partnership – Streamlining health and social care services for the people of Gateshead
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When the Gateshead Care Partnership was formed, its constituent organisations were far from struggling. Most partners were already rated outstanding, excellent or good. But staff at bodies, including Gateshead Council, Gateshead Health Foundation Trust, general practices, and Northumberland, Tyne and Wear FT wanted to reduce fragmentation within and between organisations.
GCP was formed in 2015. Its members committed to work together to streamline services for patients, reduce handoffs, bid together for contracts, manage increasing demand and complexity, and share good practice. There was a particular desire to support the local council in mitigating financial challenges and in realising their ambition to ensure every person, family and community in Gateshead “thrives”.
One of the major focuses of the partnership has been a community services contract for which it successfully bid in 2016. GCP reorganised staff such that they work in localities, and created links between council and NHS services in areas. For instance, at council facility Eastwood Promoting Independence Centre – which provides respite, short break and assessment accommodation for primarily frail older people – joint working and co-location has significantly reduced falls.
The overall result has been patient satisfaction at above 90 per cent and £700,000 of quantifiable efficiency savings in the first year of operation alone. Patient choice has also been expanded, with service hours changing from 9am-5pm to 8am to 8pm.
Read a detailed case study about this project at HSJ Solutions
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HSJ Awards 2018: Improved Partnerships Between Health and Local Government
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