Central North West London FT: Building Bridges of Safety: Cultivating a Safe, Compassionate, Accountable, Reflective and Fair Culture

An acronym for the five elements of the Central and North West London FT culture is SCARF: Safe, Compassionate, Accountable, Reflective and Fair. SCARF has enabled and amplified a range of initiatives (Patient Safety Incident Response Framework, Human Factors and Quality Improvement) to help improve patient safety at CNWL.

CNWL’s approach has taken a range of initiatives from leading organisations and national strategies, adapted them and made them uniquely CNWL. SCARF enables the organisation to not just report, but to reflect, learn and grow in its approach to patient safety.

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Wye Valley Trust: Safety in Sync. A Place Based System Safety Forum in Herefordshire

Lancashire and South Cumbria FT: Our Speaking up Journey to Making Patient Safety Everyone’s Business, and Everyday Business

Spire Healthcare: Safety First Culture for Patients, Colleagues and Consultants

LLR Patient Care Locally: LLR PCL: Our Journey Into a Positive Safety Culture Influencing the Independent Sector and Primary Care

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