The HSJ100 seeks to measure power and influence in the English NHS and health policy

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The judges of the HSJ100 2020 were:

  • Alastair McLellan, editor, HSJ – chair
  • Stuart Bell, former chief executive, Oxford Health Foundation Trust
  • Helen Buckingham, director of strategy and operations, the Nuffield Trust
  • Professor Steve Field, chair, the Royal Wolverhampton Trust
  • Andrew Foster, senior lead for workforce supply and deployment,  executive lead for leadership, NHS England and NHS Improvement 
  • Dr Clare Gerada, co-chair, NHS Assembly
  • David Hancock, healthcare executive advisor, InterSystems
  • Richard Humphries, senior fellow, King’s Fund
  • Tracie Jolliff, director of inclusion, NHS Leadership Academy
  • Dame Gill Morgan, former chair, NHS Providers, chair, One Gloucestershire Integrated Care System 
  • Professor Anne Marie Rafferty, president, Royal College of Nursing
  • Richard Sloggett, senior fellow and health and social care lead, Policy Exchange and former special adviser to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
  • Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard, chair, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
  • Matthew Swindells, former deputy chief executive, NHS England 

Note: Where judges were considered for inclusion on the list, they recused themselves from the discussion.

Also read:

The ‘new’ HSJ100 reveals a more diverse leadership cohort

The revamped HSJ100 mirrors the current times

HSJ80 full list: The most influential people in health

HSJ100: The wild cards

HSJ100: Exclusions