All articles by Ken Jarrold – Page 2

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    Ken Jarrold on the patient experience


    There is nothing like being a patient to bring you face to face with the realities of working lives. Fortunately for me, my recent experience was entirely positive.

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    Ken Jarrold on public sector economics


    The clouds of economic doom have gathered. When a sober chancellor tells you it is the worst situation for 60 years, it is time to take notice.

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    Ken Jarrold on Darzi and nursing


    While Lord Darzi's review of the NHS is to be warmly supported, it is astonishing that it contains almost no reference to nursing or to ward and team leaders.

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    Ken Jarrold on looking after chief executives


    It is 30 years since I made my first presentation at a national conference. It was based on the paper I had prepared as part of the Institute of Health Services Management's evidence to the Royal Commission.

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    Ken Jarrold on why Darzi needs nurses


    Last November, commenting on the first Darzi report, I pointed out that only a crusade for nursing and a focus on team leaders would improve patient experience.

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    Ken Jarrold on the staff survey


    The Healthcare Commission will leave a rich legacy, including the remarkable and powerful staff surveys that have given the people of the NHS a voice to which we should listen.

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    Ken Jarrold on NHS stability


    It is April and something strange is going on in England and Scotland. No major structural changes are under way or planned.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ken Jarrold on taking a look in the mirror


    Understanding ourselves and other people is one of the most important management skills and is very useful in building and sustaining a productive and satisfying working life. Some people have natural self-awareness and empathy; most of us have to work at it.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ken Jarrold on an NHS birthday to remember


    This year could be the best for the NHS in England for some time. Challenges will not be in short supply, including the 18-week target, infection control, foundation status and maintaining hard-won financial stability. However, it should be the first year for a while that is not dominated by financial ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ken Jarrold on improving the NHS through story telling


    We live in an increasingly diverse and secular society yet the Christmas story remains a powerful force presented in Nativity plays, cards, music and above-average church attendances. It is a reminder of the power of story telling.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ken Jarrold on Darzi's call to shape a world class NHS


    No-one who has had the privilege of working with health minister Lord Darzi will be surprised his report Our NHS, Our Future is clear and highly relevant to the challenges ahead

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ken Jarrold on giving constructive feedback


    If press reports are to be believed it will not be long before information about the performance of individual surgeons of all specialties is in the public domain. I am sure the royal colleges are preparing members for this major change of culture and practice and the rest of us ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ken Jarrold on staff carers


    'Caring is a burden and for some carers it can be overwhelming, making work difficult and sometimes impossible, and severely restricting life chances'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Being a better manager


    Q. The project I have been working on has been sidelined and my team moved to work on another one. The new project tackles the same issue but the methodology feels totally alien. We risk merely ticking a box to achieve a target. Someone new has been brought in to ...