Brighton and Sussex Medical School: Time for Dementia
The team at Brighton and Sussex developed an educational programme for undergraduate students, to help them better understand long term conditions.
The programme was designed to improve understanding and knowledge in medical, nursing and paramedic students.
Judges felt that this initiative humanises care for people with a long term condition and has the potential to change career long attitudes and practice for an expanding range of health professionals.
Read a detailed case study about this project at HSJ Solutions
- Maudsley Simulation, Pioneering mental health simulation training to improve health and social care – HIGHLY COMMENDED
- Health Education England, Bringing Genomics Into Mainstream Medicine
- Royal College of Physicians, Future Hospital chief registrar scheme
- Royal United Hospitals Bath Foundation Trust, ‘Tea trolley’ training programme: a novel approach to multidisciplinary training in the workplace
- Sandwell and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group, Empowerment of Primary Care Through Education and Mentorship
- Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care Foundation Trust, The MAMA Pathway
- The Christie and Greater Manchester Cancer Vanguard, Gateway-C; online gateway to primary care cancer education
- The Royal College of Midwives, NHS Improvement/Atain, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Labour Ward Leaders - working together for safer care
- Yorkshire Ambulance Service, Yorkshire Ambulance Service Trust, Restart a Heart
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HSJ Awards 2017: Improving Outcomes through Learning and Development
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