Cheshire and Merseyside Acute and Specialist Trust Collaborative
Elective Recovery, Delivery And Transformation
Cheshire and Merseyside Acute and Specialist Trusts Provider Collaborative covers 12 trusts, a 2.6 million population and nine local authority areas. Its overarching aim is to support delivery and service improvement for patients, and reduce unwarranted variation by maximising equality and equity of access. The Elective Recovery and Transformation Programme is integral to this and focuses on reducing waiting times, increasing capacity and enhancing how trusts work together to improve patient outcomes, making best use of scarce resources. In 2022, they eliminated 104-week waits and reduced 78-week waits from more than 40,000 to less than 100 by March 2023. The judges felt this was an innovative submission which demonstrated strong and effective collaboration. “The reach and footprint is impressive and it’s clear that it is working well, with potential for further growth and co-production.”
To read this entry in full visit HSJ Solutions.
Highly commended: WMAHSN, BC ICB, BSOL ICB, C&W ICB, H&W ICB, S&S ICB, STW ICB, NHSE, WM LD&A Self-Advocacy Network, WMADASS - West Midlands Managing Deterioration In Care Homes Safety And Improvement Programme
- Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust: From Hospital To Community: Celebrating The Success Of The North London Forensic Provider Collaborative
- Blackpool Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust: Hospital-Based Health Independent Domestic Violence Advisors And Independent Sexual Violence Advisers
- East Cambridgeshire Integrated Neighbourhood: Ely PCNs, District and County Council, Care Network, Age UK, Caring Together, CPFT, Littleport Town Council and CUHFT: Winter Wellness Project
- Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland ICB, DHU HealthCare, Leicestershire Partnership Trust, East Midlands Ambulance Service Trust and Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Adult Social Care Services: Unscheduled Care Coordination Hub
- Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative: Improve, Integrate, Innovate
- Welsh Ambulance Services Trust and Swansea Bay UHB: Rotational Palliative Care Paramedics
- Wirral University Teaching Hospital FT and Countess of Chester FT: Surgical Centre At Clatterbridge
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HSJ Awards 2023: Provider Collaboration of the Year
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